chapter 2

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"You told him my fucking name? My first and last name?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Liv didn't have the time to wipe the tear away that was about to roll down her cheek, as her boyfriend shoved her against the wall of the back of the school, causing her head to hit the stones. She whined, making Daniel roll his eyes.

"Stop crying, man."

He reached out to grab her body again and pull her away from the wall she was leaning against, but changed his mind and just walked back and forth instead, visibly stressed.

She knew his reaction wouldn't be good when she told him she gave a police officer his name, but she hoped he would at least understand why she had to do it. She tried to explain her boyfriend a dozen times how good the officer was at reading her, and how lying was impossible.

"Dan I-"

"Shut up," Daniel immediately cut her off, turning around fast to look at her, making Liv flinch. "I don't need to hear any of your excuses anymore."

Liv bit her lip and slowly pushed herself off the wall, feeling how her head was spinning a little.

"You betrayed me, Olivia," Daniel said, his voice quieter and lower now, as he walked into Liv's direction again. Liv backed up and her back ended up against the wall again.

"I gave you so much and you just fucking betrayed me."

"He isn't gonna do anything with your name," Liv told him, almost as if she was begging, while she watched her boyfriend's face come closer to hers. "He said he-"

"And you believe him?! He's a fucking cop, Liv! Think! Of course he fucking lied!"

Liv just nodded in silence, as part of her knew that Daniel could be right. Harry seemed to really know what he was doing. He probably knew how to make himself look friendly while he was planning something else behind her back. That was how police worked.

"So fucking stupid."

Daniel shook his head in disapproval. For a moment, it looked like he was turning around to walk away from her again, but in a split second Liv felt her boyfriend's nails on her cheek, scratching over the fresh cut. She immediately felt blood streaming out of it.

Liv yelled in pain and shock as she bent down and immediately covered her cheek, feeling the blood going all over her hand.

"You better make sure he takes my name out. I don't care how you do it, but I don't wanna see you before you fixed this."

The pain on her cheek was almost unbearable, but Daniel's words stung even more. She didn't even bother to try and stop her tears anymore, and she walked away from her boyfriend sobbing, feeling his eyes burn in her head as he watched her go.

She wandered around the street for hours, her head an absolute mess. There was no way she could fix this, no matter how much she tried to think of something. If Harry really wrote down their names, there was no way to undo it, and she felt like Daniel knew that too.

Something in her told her that he wouldn't just call to apologise anytime soon, though, like he would normally do. There was something about the way he spoke that she had never heard before. Something about the way he looked at her that she had never seen before.

Somehow she couldn't blame him, or she at least wasn't surprised. No one even wanted to be associated with her in the first place, so she couldn't even imagine if both their names were linked together to the police. She couldn't even imagine the way everyone would look at Daniel.

The only thing that managed to stop her train of thoughts that slowly drove her insane, was the joint she found in her pocket, one she forgot she put in there before Daniel started yelling at her.

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