chapter 15

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"Is this what you meant by dinner?"

"Mhm," he hummed without even pulling back from her lips. She felt his smile against her lips though, as he kissed her a little more forcefully.

She hadn't even made it to the living room; as soon as she had gotten to Harry's house, he had pushed her against the wall again and they had been kissing ever since.

It had been going on for five minutes now; their kisses got more intense with every minute that passed. Both of them had bright red cheeks and neither of them had even thought of pulling away.

She knew she was weak. On her way to his house, she promised herself not to give in so quickly, but she didn't even keep that promise for more than ten seconds.

There was just something about the way his eyes looked when he looked at her; they were soft, but at the same time so dark because she knew that all he could think about was kissing her.

There was something about the way the corner of his mouth was curled up as he was always stupidly smirking at her.

And of course, the way he kissed her. There was something about his lips and the feeling she got in her stomach every time his lips touched hers that made it imposssible for her to pull away.

His hands were on her hips again, going from holding her tightly to gripping her t shirt every time their kiss got rougher.

Her arms were around his neck, messing up the back of his hair because she kept gripping on it, especially whenever he slightly bit her lip.

From kissing him three times now, Liv had noticed that there was something he liked about pinning her against the wall and not giving her any room to move. And to be fair, there was something she liked about it too.

"Jesus, Liv," Harry finally breathed out against her lips after they made out until they could barely breathe, "you're so fucking..."

Liv's eyebrow slightly raised as she waited for Harry to finish his sentence, ignoring the way her stomach was turning again at how low and raspy his voice was.

"I'm what?" she asked, leaning in a little just so her lips very slightly touched Harry's, but she wasn't kissing him. She still felt his smile against her lips.

Instead of answering her, he just kissed her one more time before he moved back. "You wanna take your shoes off and come in, maybe?"

He chuckled, picking up Liv's coat from the floor that he had just zipped open and pulled off her when she came in earlier.

Liv playfully rolled her eyes as she bent down to take her shoes off, only now feeling how much her body was actually shaking.

To distract Harry from seeing it and possibly commenting on it, she quickly asked again "I'm what?"

Harry watched her as she was low to the ground, struggling a little as her fingers were weak and her hands were shaking. She looked up at him, and saw how he had his eyebrow slightly raised


He very obviously pretended like he didn't know what she was talking about, and she just rolled her eyes as she couldn't be bothered asking him again. There was still an amused smile around his somewhat swollen lips as she stood back up though, and before she could even take one step into the living room, Harry grabbed her jaw to pull her closer and kiss her again.

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