chapter 26

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Three days later.

The past days had made Liv feel like she was actually part of a little family: every day, she got woken up early in the morning by Luca jumping on the bed and squeezing his small body in between Liv and Harry as they somehow were always cuddling when the toddler came in the room.

During the day, they did activities that you would expect from a household with a toddler: they cooked together, ate together, played games, watched Disney movies and a lot of Paw Patrol. And of course they went to the park together to climb in trees.

Throughout the past days, Liv and Harry had slowly given up trying not to be too affectionate around Luca. Liv joined their cuddle more often whenever the three of them sat on the couch, and Harry had gone from just kissing her head to kissing her lips every now and then.

Luca didn't mind. If anything, he found it incredibly exciting, and by the fourth day of him being there, he saw Liv as his best friend, always wanting her attention.

Everything about the past few days seemed normal and domestic, but something about it just wasn't.

After Liv's mum had dropped Liv back off at Harry's house after the hospital appointment three days ago, Liv hadn't gone inside straight away. Instead, she had waited for her mum's car to leave the street before she walked to the park to sit down on a bench somewhere at the back.

With the lighter that she still had in her pocket although she hadn't smoked for a while, she had lit up one of the joints from the bag she had found in Harry's drawer.

The feeling she got when she smoked, was almost indescribable. For the first time ever since Daniel had held a knife to her throat, her mind was quiet. For the first time, she could relax her muscles and enjoy the things around her without being jumpy at every sudden sound.

She knew she had to feel guilty or at least regret smoking weed, but she didn't. It felt like the best decision she could make at that moment.

And so she continued smoking for the next days. Every time she wanted to, she told Harry she was going on a walk for some fresh air, as the doctor had told her to do so.

The doctor never told her that.

Because Harry was so occupied with Luca and he didn't expect Liv to be smoking, he hadn't thought anything of it, and he hadn't noticed her slightly red eyes or her calm state.

He did mention her 'sore' eyes just once, but immediately dropped the subject when Liv told him she was exhausted from not sleeping well.

It was a big lie; she was sleeping great. She made sure to smoke before going to bed so her mind was clear, and it worked perfectly.

She only had one joint left, which she was saving for a good moment knowing it was her last one for a little while. She didn't want to stop just yet, though. In fact, she had contacted Daniel's dealer to try and get some more from him.

Although her heart hurt every time she lied to Harry, she still felt like it was going great like this. As long as she stopped before he found out, they'd be perfectly fine.

"I think that's everything. Your mum's coming any second now, my love. Put on your shoes."

Liv was sat on the couch with Luca on her lap, while Harry was gathering the toddler's stuff. Harry had been contacted by his boss again, asking if he could come in tomorrow, so Luca had to go back to his mum's house.

Luca whined at his dad's words, leaning back against Liv's chest as a way to show his dad he wasn't leaving Liv's lap anytime soon.

Although Harry groaned softly in frustration, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of Liv and Luca together. There had been multiple occasions now where Luca had cuddled Liv or even fell asleep on her chest, and Liv didn't even mind. She had to admit she was going to miss the toddler's presence.

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