chapter 25

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Sadly, she couldn't lay on Harry's chest like that for the rest of the night. In fact, it was Harry who had woken her up only twenty minutes after she fell asleep, telling her to go to the toilet so she wouldn't get a UTI. She refused at first, being too comfy and warm to even move, but Harry ended up forcing her by pushing the warm blanket off her, before rolling over on his side so she'd slip off his body.

Liv groaned and mumbled some mean things she didn't actually mean to Harry under her breath, as she had made her way to the bathroom. Harry had gone after her, and neither of them had even bothered to find their underwear back on their way back to the bed.

It was dark in the room anyway, and Liv wanted to go right back to sleep to stop any thoughts or memories from taking over her quiet mind. She knew that once she'd wake up too much, she'd start thinking again and she would be up all night.

Harry's reason for not putting his boxers back on was a little different. Liv didn't ask him about it, but she had heard him mumble "I like sleeping naked anyway" when he noticed how she was just looking at him when he crawled back into bed naked. To prevent her from asking any further questions, Harry had immediately pulled Liv back on his chest to make her comfortable so she'd fall asleep again, which she did within a minute.

Them being naked in the bed and their underwear lying on the floor the rest of the night didn't seem like a big problem. It did become a problem the next morning, though, when they got woken up by rapid knocking on the bedroom door, followed by a small voice that said "Daddy?"

Both of them were still half asleep, their eyes closed, when the door opened just a second later. Harry just groaned at the sound, not properly processing what it was, and pulled Liv's body closer to his, his arm draping over her body. She had rolled off his chest in her sleep during the night, but some part of her body had been touching him at all times as she slept, even when one of them turned around. They always found each other back right away.

"Want cuddles too!"

Those words, combined with little footsteps running towards the bed, finaly caused Harry's eyes to shoot open, as he realised what was going on.

"Cuddles for me too, daddy!"

Before Harry even had time to push himself up, the toddler climbed onto the bed and launched himself on top of Harry without a warning, his arms wrapping around Harry's neck.

Harry did manage to quickly roll away from Liv, and he placed his hands on either side of Luca's body to pull him away from his chest as he tried to sit up.

Liv rolled over to see what was happening, frowning confusedly as she had to take a moment to realise where she was and who was waking her up like that. She had completely forgotten about the toddler being in Harry's house too, as she had been focused on something totally different last night.

"Fuck- Luca, hang on a second, okay?" Harry muttered as he managed to pull Luca away from him, sitting him down on top of the blanket. As he held his son down with his hands on each hip, he made quick panicked eye contact with Liv before he pulled the blanket over her body a little more.

They were still naked.

Liv's eyes widened at the realisation, and she just looked at Harry as his eyes were scanning around the room to search for their underwear. After a few seconds, his eyes landed on his boxers that were laid on the floor next to Liv's side.

"Honey can you-" he said quietly, nodding over in the direction of his boxers. He quickly looked back at his son who was whining a little now, trying to get out of his dad's grip to cuddle him again. He was probably confused why he was being held back from it.

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