chapter 28

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"The fucking police station? Who the fuck did you date? A criminal?"

Liv chuckled and rolled her eyes, looking out the window next to her as Matt drove onto the parking lot of the building. She had only given him an address without telling him anything else about the location.

"A cop," she answered him, rolling her eyes a second time when Matt gasped dramatically.

They had briefly talked about Harry on their way to the police station, but all Matt knew was that Liv and Harry dated for a short period and never had anything serious.

Matt hadn't asked her any more questions, as he could tell how nervous she was just talking about Harry. Instead of adding to her anxiety, Matt just told her funny stories and made her sing along to the radio.

He was a sweet guy. He pretended not to care about anything or anyone, but Liv could tell he did.

"A cop, Liv?!" Matt exclaimed, his eyes big. "That's even worse!"

"Worse than a criminal?" Liv asked him with an amused smile around her lips, watching Matt as he put the car in reverse when he found a parking spot.

"Yes," Matt told her, pretending to be extremely serious about it. "Now I understand why he's so mad at you. Cops can't let the tiniest mistakes go for the fucking life of them. They're so fucking dramatic."

She smiled at the way Matt made it seem like she had done nothing wrong at all, which he had been doing the entire time so far. She knew he didn't actually think she was innocent; he was just making her feel better and a little more confident.

"I'll tell him that," Liv said and although she was still smiling, her face immediately dropped when Matt stopped the car and turned the engine off. She knew she had to walk into that building very soon now and face Harry, and it honestly made her feel sick to her stomach.

"Good," Matt still joked, "but don't tell him I said hi, though. I'm not saying he knows me personally, but maybe if he hears my name..."

Somehow, Matt still managed to make Liv smirk a little, despite the fact that her stomach was twisting and turning, knocking her sick.

"I'll tell him Matthew Houston said hi," she teased him, taking advantage of the way Matt had been oversharing to her in the car, telling him her full name on top of some other things that really didn't matter that much for the stories he was telling her.

"Oh, fuck you." Matt nudged Liv a little, acting mad although it wasn't convincing at all with the big smirk on his face. Liv giggled and stuck her tongue out to him, before she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door.

"Do you want me to wait for you, or..." Matt asked her hesitantly, resting his hands on the steering wheel as he sat back in his seat.

Liv shook her head. "I'll call my mum. She'll be off work soon."

Matt looked at her for a little longer, his eyebrow raised slightly as he was probably doubting to just wait. But he eventually just shot her a small smile and said "Okay, I'll see you next week then."

Liv nodded, and the smile she shot back was a forced one as she couldn't ignore the feeling in her stomach any longer. She bit her lip shortly before sighing and getting out, closing the door behind her.

As she looked through the car window one last time, she saw Matt giving her a thumbs up, mouthing something she didn't quite understand but she guessed it was something along the lines of "You can do it."

She felt how her hands started shaking uncontrollably and her chest started hurting a little as she made her way to the police station. She knew she couldn't go back now; Matt was still waiting in his car and she knew he'd be there until he was sure she was inside.

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