chapter 16

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The rest of the night felt as perfect as the start; after they finally managed to take their hands off each other, they drank two more glasses of wine while watching the movie they originally intended to watch right after dinner.

They, especially Liv, had stumbled upstairs once the movie was over, and she had fallen asleep on Harry's chest.

She fell asleep with her mind almost silent, so she was surprised to find herself waking up in the middle of the night, feeling restless.

She couldn't quite put her finger on what she felt, but it reminded her of how she felt when she first quit weed; her mind was busy and she felt frustrated and angry, unable to stop her hands and legs from shaking a little.

On top of that, she felt sick from the amount of wine she had been drinking, since her body wasn't used to it at all anymore.

It was probably related; she was used to dealing with a hungover by smoking weed. Although it probably made her hungover worse, she always felt like it helped.

But now she didn't have anything to smoke, and it was slowly driving her insane.

She very carefully rolled off Harry's chest and got out of bed, making sure he wouldn't wake up. She knew she couldn't go back to sleep feeling like this, so the least she could do to help herself was go outside for a moment and get some fresh air to calm herself down.

It was weird feeling the withdrawals like this after doing fine for a while; it made her feel like she was back at square one.

Frustrated at how she felt and how loud her thoughts suddenly were, Liv walked down the stairs and grabbed her shoes. With shaking hands, she tried to untie the laces that she left tied when she took them off earlier. It wasn't so easy, especially since the hallway was dark.

She tried for another ten seconds, breathing in and out slowly to try and calm herself down, but nothing helped. When her finger slipped off the laces for the fifth time, Liv groaned in frustration and threw the shoe against the wall.

The sound of it was louder than she expected, and she immediately grabbed the shoe as she tried to calm herself down again, hoping she hadn't woken Harry up.

But not even ten seconds later, she heard his bedroom door open. Liv was holding onto her shoe tightly, trying to contain herself, as Harry made his way down the stairs, stopping when he was at the second last step.

"What's going on?" he asked confusedly with a raspy morning voice. When Liv looked at him, she saw how his eyes were still half closed and his hair was hanging almost flat in front of his face.

"Nothing," she told him, her jaws clenched together. "Just need some fresh air."

Harry nodded, but still frowned. "What was the loud bang?"

Liv didn't answer him, almost too embarrassed to do so, and she just grabbed the lace of her shoe to try and undo the knot again.

Harry seemed to catch on somehow, and he took the last two steps down the stairs. "Do you need help with it?"

Liv immediately shook her head. Letting him help her with her laces wouldn't make her feel much better; she'd just feel stupid.

Harry looked at her trying for a few seconds before he held out his hand. "Let me try it."

Liv shook her head again, tugging on the lace a bit harder. It finally got a bit looser, but not entirely yet. "I said no. You should go back to sleep."

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