chapter 14

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It was hard not to think about him and what he said to her; almost impossible, even.

It had been two days and Liv was driving herself crazy with it. All this time she had been busy being mad at Harry for playing with her feelings because she thought he had only kissed her to mess around, but she knew that wasn't true now.

Her hatred for him had changed into confusion. She couldn't even tell what she felt anymore.

When she felt like she was actually going insane, she finally texted Harry.

Liv: You have time today?

H: Of course. What's up?

Liv: Just wanna talk about something

H: Something about the case? Because if so, I can meet you at the police station at 2?

Liv: 2 is fine

She didn't even want to talk about the case or anything to do with Daniel, but she just agreed to the time he gave her as she figured it was the quickest way to talk to him. He was probably busy at work.

Although she had been wanting to talk about it for days now, she instantly regretted texting him once she was on her way.

She hadn't even told her mum: she had called a taxi to take her there. Her mum knew about what happened between her and Harry, as Liv told her all about it when she was standing at the front door crying her eyes out. She didn't want her mum's opinion on it now.

"I'm here for Officer Styles?"

It felt weird saying just his last name. She looked around if she could see him, as she waited for the receptionist to go through appointments in her computer.

"He'll be right there," she eventually told her, smiling shortly. "Just sit down there."

The waiting area felt too familiar for her now; she never thought she'd be at the police station as much as she had in the past weeks.

It was a little after two when Harry finally walked out of a door just outside the waiting area. She noticed how he immediately looked around for her, and how the corner of his mouth curled up into the tiniest smile when he saw her.

He made a 'follow me' gesture, and Liv quickly stood up to just follow him through the hallway, walking behind him.

He held a door open for her and as she walked in, she saw it was the same kind of room like the one two days ago, maybe even the same one.

She turned around and watched Harry close the door behind him, a slight frown on his face as he looked at her.

"You wanted to talk?" he asked, pointing at one of the chairs as a way of telling her she could sit down. She didn't move, though, and just stared at him.

She looked at his tired eyes first, noticing how he was squinting one eye a little, making her wonder if it was still because of the toothbrush that had hit his eye. Her eyes then moved over the delicate features of his face, down his lips.

Her silence, together with her eye movement, made Harry frown a little deeper. "What's up, Liv?"

She knew she should just answer him, just tell him what had been on her mind for the past two days so she could clear her mind.

But her mind was still a mess, and she wasn't thinking straight. So instead of doing what she knew was best, she just moved closer to him and stood on her tiptoes a little to reach his lips and kiss him.

Harry gasped in the kiss, visibly not expecting it. She didn't even have time to think or do anything else, as Harry pulled away almost immediately.

"Fuck, I-" His eyes were wide, and his lips were parting as if he was going to say something, but nothing came out.

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