chapter 6

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H: Is everything going okay still?

Liv: Yeah, don't worry

It was only one in the afternoon and it was the fourth text message she had received from him after getting into school at nine. Before Harry had dropped her off that morning, he had put his phone number in her phone, calling himself 'H', so they could text.

He had told her it was 'for emergencies', but she got messages from him every hour even though nothing was going wrong so far.

Liv mindlessly scrolled through their text messages as she waited for the lunch break to be over. Normally Daniel would meet her outside during the lunch break for a smoke or just to hang out to kill the time, but this time it was just her standing outside, leaned against the wall of the building.

"Who's texting you?"

Liv almost jumped out of her skin when she heard a voice coming from right besides her. When she looked up after quickly turning her phone screen off, she saw it was Daniel, standing right next to her, the hood of his white hoodie on his head. He wasn't wearing a coat, making her wonder if he just came outside to talk to her quickly or if he was spending his lunch break outside after all.

She looked into his blue eyes shortly, studying him for a moment, before she shrugged and put her phone in her coat pocket, keeping her hands in there to keep them warm.

"Who's texting?" he asked her again, not moving one muscle. The demanding tone in his voice reminded her of their fight a few days ago. He still scared her. He knew she was standing out of sight from anyone, so he could do to her whatever he wanted to.

"Why do you wanna know?" she asked him, looking down at her feet as she was moving the front of her shoes on the floor as an awkward stim.

"Showing interest," Daniel told her, leaning against the wall.

Liv didn't respond to him and just stared at the car driving past on the road they were facing.

"Did you fix the name thing with the police?" Daniel asked her after a silence that must have been at least ten seconds long, which felt like an eternity.

Liv breathed in deeply. "It's impossible, you know that."

She knew he wasn't that stupid. She knew he knew very well he told her to do something that was practically impossible. Just to make him look more like a victim.

"I just thought you did," Daniel shrugged, "because they haven't showed up at my house yet."

Liv looked at him for a moment. "Maybe the cop didn't lie to me, then."

"Maybe," Daniel agreed as his hand disappeared into his pocket. Liv was still watching him, and saw how he pulled out two joints.

It immediately made her feel strange, just looking at them. She had been doing so well the past day by just ignoring the fact that her body was craving weed, constantly reminding her that it was impossible to get weed anyway. But now Harry wasn't there and the weed was right in front of her, while her body was still craving it more than anything.

"Wanna smoke?" Daniel asked her, holding them up and moving them a little closer to her face. He probably knew she hadn't had anything for a while; he was the one who always gave her it. She didn't even know how to get weed herself.

Liv eyed the joints for a second, almost giving in. But she quickly changed her mind. "You lied to me to your friends."

Daniel seemed to be slightly confused, not knowing what she was getting at. But once he realised, he just chuckled. "Come on, Liv. That was just a joke. Just a way to get you back for what you did to me."

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