chapter 5

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She ended up having a long shower first, and she was now sitting on the edge of the bath in Harry's white t shirt while he was crouched down in front of her to take care of the bruise on her leg.

He had put cream on all her bruises, and was extra careful with the one on her knee while he put some bandage around it.

As she had been watching him crouch in front of her like that, it was the first time she noticed how many rings he was wearing; almost a ring for every finger. The rings didn't seem to bother him at all, even as he put cream on his hands to rub it on Liv's bruises.

She wondered if he always had this many rings on and she just hadn't noticed before, or if it was just a one time thing.

It made her wonder if there was more about him that she hadn't noticed before.

Just as she started getting confused at her own thoughts, because why was she so intrigued by him?, Harry snapped her out of them anyway.

"Better?" he asked, looking up at her with a tiny smile. Liv looked down at the bandage around her knee and nodded, watching him put the first aid stuff away before he walked over to the sink to wash his hands.

Even as the water was soaking his rings, Harry didn't seem to be bothered by it. Liv sat on the bath for a few more seconds, just watching him wash his hands before she reminded herself how ridiculous she was being.

Liv pushed herself off the bath with a little effort, and just watched him through the mirror instead. She just couldn't help it. 

His cheeks were a little flushed from concentrating, and his curls were hanging in front of his face. Liv was just staring at them when Harry brushed them all back before turning around to face her.

"I'll... I'll make sure I'll be out before tonight," Liv told him, a little caught off guard, hoping he hadn't noticed how she was studying him.

"No," he told her, saying it as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "You're staying here."

Liv shook her head. "I can't just use your house because I'm homeless."

"I said I'm gonna help you, Liv. So you're staying here," he said, still determined, as he opened the bathroom door. Liv shivered at the cold air that entered the bathroom from the hallway, quickly following him to search for a pair of pants and a hoodie.

"I put a clean pair of sweatpants and a hoodie on top of the towels in the bathroom," Harry told her while still having his back facing her, walking into his bedroom. She frowned at the fact that he knew exactly what she was searching for, but walked back into the bathroom to search for them.

He had gotten her grey sweatpants, a pair that looked a lot like her own. They were much bigger on her though, making the strings long even after tying the sweatpants up around her waist. The hoodie he gave her was just simple and black, with a little rabbit in the left corner of it. The hoodie was too big on her too, but at least it kept her warm.

As she was fixing the hood on her head while looking in the mirror, a tooth brush with an image of a dog and text that said Paw Patrol on it caught her eye.

"Is your little brother here often?" she asked Harry, guessing it could only really be his brother's.

"My what?" Harry answered confusedly, walking back into the bathroom with a white blanket in his hand, probably moving it from one room to another so she could sleep in one.

He chuckled softly when he saw what Liv was pointing at, and turned around as he answered "It's my son's."

"I didn't think you'd have a..."

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