chapter 11

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"Get the fuck away from her."

Harry pushed Officer Brown away from Liv so hard, the woman hit the table and had to hold herself up so she wouldn't completely fall to the ground.

Harry was just quick enough to stop Liv from falling to the ground too, as her legs were numb and there was no one holding her up against the wall anymore. He carefully sat Liv down with her back against the wall, crouching in front of her before he yelled at his colleague again.

"Give me the fucking key, now!"

One hand was rested on her cheek, his thumb stroking up and down, while he was holding the other up at Officer Brown, so she could give him the key of the handcuffs that she managed to put on Liv's wrists before Harry had bursted in.

In one swift move, Harry undid the handcuffs, bringing Liv's hands to the front of her body. His hand moved to her other cheek, but he looked back up at Officer Brown.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

His hands were big enough to be able to partly cover Liv's ears to block out the noise while still keeping his hands on her cheeks.

As soon as Harry had sat her down, she had gotten her sight back. And ever since, Liv's eyes had been glued to Harry's face. She couldn't breathe, let alone speak, so all she could do was stare at him with big eyes that were practically begging him to get her out of this state.

"She started yelling and throwing with things. It was dangerous, I had to-"

"She is having a fucking panic attack! The last fucking thing you do is push someone against a wall to handcuff them!"

Harry shortly looked at Liv, moving his thumbs over her cheeks again as if he had forgotten about her presence for a second. His thumbs didn't stop moving this time when he looked back up, though.

"She wouldn't calm down. She kept repeating herself, telling me to get you."

"She... Wait. She fucking asked for me?!"

Officer Brown nodded, which was enough for Harry to take his hands off Liv's face and stand up instead, walking over to the woman to tower over her.

"Why didn't you fucking go get me, then? What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Officer Brown didn't seem to be impressed or taken aback in any way by Harry's yelling. She stayed as calm as she had been the entire time, and took a step back to create some space between them.

"You're not allowed in the room during examination. You know that."

Harry scoffed, looking away for a moment as if he was stopping himself from doing anything he would regret.

"Her fucking pants aren't even off yet!" he then yelled. "She just wanted to fucking see me before she had to take off her clothes in front of a fucking stranger!"

"What would you even be able to do to help her?" Officer Brown answered, still as calm as always.

"Why does that even fucking matter?! She's been-"

"Harry," Liv breathed out, cutting him off mid sentence. It felt like she barely even had control over her own body as she spoke, but she just physically couldn't stand the fighting anymore. She couldn't stand sitting on the floor trying to breathe again and get the feeling in her hands and legs back while all she heard was two people fighting about her, as if she wasn't there.

Both Harry and Officer Brown immediately turned their heads to look at her, and the room was completely silent now.

Harry's eyes softened, and he slowly lowered himself to her level again.

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