chapter 24

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!! This chapter contains sexual content !!


"Daddy is Liv going to sleep too? Daddy does Liv wanna climb trees tomorrow? Daddy does Liv like Paw Patrol?"

Harry walked into his bedroom after putting his son to bed, looking over at Liv who had been waiting for him as she was sat in his bed.

Liv chuckled at the way Harry imitated his son with a high pitched voice, smirking as he did so.

"Looks like you've got a new best friend," he told her, still smirking, as he untied the strings of his sweatpants to pull them off so he could get into bed next to her.

They agreed to watch a movie on the tv in Harry's room, although they normally liked watching movies on the couch. Harry just liked being upstairs whenever Luca was sleeping so Harry was close to him in case he needed him.

The entire day, Liv had just been watching Harry play with Luca. She didn't even mind how she barely got any attention from Harry, as she just loved watching how happy Harry made Luca.

After painting their nails, they had watched a Disney movie; Luca, of course. It was the toddler's favourite movie, and Liv couldn't even keep count of the amount of times the toddler happily exclaimed "That's me! That's my name!" during the movie.

After the movie, Harry and Luca had made pancakes. Harry had put Luca on a chair in front of him so the little boy could reach the kitchen counter, and Harry had involved him in every single step of the process. It took almost a whole hour to make the pancakes, and a few little tantrums from the toddler whenever it didn't go like he wanted it to go, but the pancakes tasted great.

All day, Luca had asked Liv questions. Basic toddler questions, like her favourite colour and her favourite number. Harry was right when he said Luca wanted to be everyone's friend; once he warmed up to Liv, he could not stop talking.

It was strange how just that morning, the thought of Harry being a dad made Liv nauseous. She couldn't keep ignoring the fact that she liked Harry, but she thought she would struggle with him having a son.

But after today, she had completely changed her mind. Her stomach had been flipping all day, just looking at the way Harry played with his son, the way he talked to him. It did something to her; she even caught herself wondering what it would be like to have Harry's kid a few times. She had quickly shaken the thought away the second she realised what she was doing, though. She was not ready to have a kid, and what she had with Harry wasn't even anything serious.

"He's not too much for you, is he?" Harry asked as he kicked his sweatpants off and walked over to his side of the bed to take his rings off next. "And I hope you aren't too mad at me for barely checking up on you today, but-"

Liv was going to just wait patiently until he was ready to get into bed with her, but his rambling made her stand up on the bed and walk to his side just to jump at him, her arms wrapped around his neck like Luca did every time he launched himself at his dad.

"Liv!" Harry exclaimed in surprise, but he was quick enough to wrap his arms around her lower back so neither of them would fall over. One of his rings fell on the floor, but Harry ignored it and just spun her around before throwing her back on the bed, climbing on top of her.

He was holding himself above her, his elbows leaning on the bed as he had one hand in her hair, playing with it. He moved his face so it was so close to hers, their noses were almost touching, before he smirked and breathed out "So you've missed me then?"

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