chapter 9

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TW // rape in this chapter. I'll put another tw at the specific part so anyone who wants to, can skip it.


Liv woke up confused, in a bed she had never slept in before. The first thing she did when she realised who's bed she was in, was turn around to look for him. But she was alone.

She could see sunlight shining through the blinds that he had kept closed for her, and she turned around again to search for her phone so she could see the time.

Her phone was still in the guest room, but on the nightstand next to the side she slept on, she saw a note and a glass of water, holding the note in place.

Liv sat up and carefully lifted the glass up to grab the note.

I'm downstairs. If I'm not, I'm probably at the shops and I'll be back soon. Call or text me if you need me. x - H

Liv remembered it was a Saturday; she didn't have school and Harry probably didn't have work.

She got out of bed to go to the guest room, at the same time listening if she could hear him downstairs. She didn't hear anything, not even a tv, so she guessed he was out. She knew he always hummed songs whenever he walked around the house doing stuff, so she would be able to hear him.

She noticed her phone in the middle of the bed when she entered the room she had tried to sleep in the night before, and she grabbed it before walking over to the cabinet to grab some fresh clothes she could put on after a shower.

She quickly checked her phone for the time and any messages, and stopped in her tracks when she saw a message from Daniel.

Dan: Come to our usual spot today. We need to talk.

She hated it when someone told her they needed to talk; it made her anxious. Especially when it was Daniel.

She quickly texted him back, telling him she'd be there soon.

Instead of taking a shower first, she put on her clothes right away. She knew it would be best to leave before Harry came back, so she didn't have to tell him she was going to see Daniel, even though he had promised her he wouldn't stop her from doing things anymore.

Liv quickly took some money out of the envelope Harry had given her, making a mental note to give the envelope back to him when she came back. She just needed the twenty for a taxi this one time, but she felt bad enough that she kept the money even though she ended up sleeping in his house after all.

The taxi arrived before Harry was back, and within half an hour, Liv was at her usual spot.

To her surprise, she saw how Daniel was there already.

"Hey," she said as she walked to the tree trunk and sat down next to him, smiling awkwardly. Daniel didn't greet her back, or even smile at her. He barely even acknowledged her.

"You weren't here yesterday," she said, looking at the joint, somehow hoping he wouldn't offer it to her so she wouldn't have to face the temptation as much.

Daniel shook his head. "Didn't feel like it."

Liv looked at him with a slight frown. She had never heard him tell her he didn't feel like smoking.

"Did I do-"

"Who's the guy?" Daniel cut her off before she could even ask him what she could have done wrong, because it was obvious she had done something wrong to him.

Liv's frown got deeper. "What guy?"

"Hugo saw you with a guy in the hallway yesterday. Is that the guy who has been texting you?"

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