chapter 17

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"If you really liked me, you'd skip work today to stay in with me."

Liv was sat on Harry's bed, watching him put on his suit for work. It was way too early for her; especially after the night they had. She didn't know how Harry was even able to go to work today, because she felt insanely hungover.

Harry chuckled, looking over at her. "If you really liked me, you'd let me go to work so I can make money that I can spend on the dinner I'm making for you tonight."

Liv was a bit surprised at his words, since they had never even talked about her coming over for dinner again.

She couldn't hide a smile as she said "Who says I like you?"

Harry rolled his eyes and instead of opening the drawer that he just walked to, he turned around to walk towards Liv instead.

"It might be time to drop the 'I don't like you' act," he told her with a smirk as he held her jaw, his face moving closer to hers. She could feel her heartbeat picking up and her hands starting to sweat.

"Because I know you do."

To prove his point, he kissed her and pulled her bottom lip with his teeth just like he had done the night before. And again, Liv whimpered at the feeling, her cheeks turning red.

Harry smiled as he let go, kissing her once more before moving back with his eyebrow raised. "See?"

Liv couldn't stand how well he was at playing with her feelings, and she pushed him out the way as she stood up, just so he couldn't see how much he was actually affecting her.

She heard how he chuckled and finally walked to the drawer that he had intended to open earlier. As Liv walked out of the room towards the bathroom to get ready, she heard him say "So you're coming over tonight?"

Liv took a few seconds to respond, just to make him think she was actually thinking about it for a moment even though she immediately knew she wanted to come.

Finally, she told him "Sure."

As Harry walked past the bathroom she was in to go downstairs, he eyed her for a second, a smile on his face that immediately told Liv he knew she was just trying to play it cool.

"Great," he told her. "Be downstairs in five minutes, I'll have your breakfast ready."


Because Liv had forgotten the house keys when she left her home the day before, Harry had to drop her off at her mum's work. It was in no way on his route to work and he was definitely going to be late, but it didn't seem to bother him that much.

He had kissed her goodbye as if they had been a couple for years, and told her he'd pick her up at six. Liv had watched his car drive off until she couldn't see it anymore, before she walked into her mum's office.

Her mum didn't ask her any questions about the night before; Liv had told her she went to see Harry for dinner and her mum didn't seem to be surprised at all at Liv spending the night.

She just gave Liv the keys and smiled widely when Liv told her she wouldn't be home for dinner since she'd see Harry again.

With a wide smile on her face, Liv walked out the building. It felt like her life did another drastic turn, but finally in a good way. She was honest to her mum again after months of lying, and she was seeing someone who actually made her feel safe. On top of that, she hadn't had to deal with any type of harassment for a while now.

It felt like the universe had heard her think and had seen her smile, because not even five minutes later, she saw someone that made her heart and smile drop within a second.

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