chapter 35

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"Can I cook tonight?"

"And impress my mum even more so she'll want you around all the time? No thank you, Harry."

Harry was sat on the edge of Liv's bed as Liv was standing in between his legs, trying to take care of one of the cuts on his face again after Harry accidentally scratched it open. It was easier now, though, because Harry wasn't in a confused state anymore and he could actually tell Liv how to take care of cuts the right way.

Although Harry very obviously knew much better how to properly treat his face, he still asked Liv to do it for him. She knew why, though; she could tell how much he just loved to sit and look up at her while she was holding his face, gently cleaning it before putting a plaster over it like he told her to.

"But-" Harry protested, but Liv cut him off right away.

"And you just almost had a panic attack. You obviously need to rest."

Harry wasn't feeling physically sick anymore, but the drugs did affect him mentally. He seemed fine at first, but after Liv took a quick shower and left Harry sitting on her bed in her room, she came back to him almost hyperventilating, rambling about how he couldn't properly remember last night and how it freaked him out.

She managed to calm him down quickly, just by being there in the room with him, but he very obviously wasn't ready to be left alone just yet.

She was so happy she invited him back in. She didn't even want to imagine what would have happened to him if she'd let him go home alone.

"That was nothing," Harry brushed it off, rolling his eyes.

"No?" Liv raised her eyebrow as she looked at him for a second, before turning around to grab something out of the first aid kit. "I was about to take you straight to the hospital when I saw you hyperventilate like that."

Harry was silent for a moment, his eyes squinting a little as he looked at her. Once Liv turned back around to face him, a smirk grew around his lips.

"You care about me."

It was now Liv who rolled her eyes at his obvious statement. "Of course I care about you."

She gently took hold of his jaw, her fingers lightly tapping on it, as she focused on the cut on his face again. She could see how Harry was watching her closely, though, in the corner of her eye.

Harry hummed, almost as if he was satisfied. They were both silent for another few seconds until he asked "Why are you so afraid to show me that?"

Liv paused for a moment and locked eyes with him, frowning a little.


Harry hummed again, nodding. "You always act so... as if you don't care."

Liv scanned her eyes over his big, green ones for a second before she shrugged and focused on the cut again.

"Probably just a way to protect my own feelings after getting hurt when-"

"No," Harry cut her off, and Liv thought it was because she was about to mention Ruth again, but he added "I mean from the start. You've pretended like you couldn't stand me for the longest time even though I knew you liked me. Why?"

"I didn't like you," Liv said teasingly, a smirk on her face. "I really couldn't stand you."

"Liv..." Harry groaned in annoyance, but he very quickly switched up and before Liv knew it, his hands were on her hips and he pulled her a little closer to him. She jumped a little at the sudden touch, but still kept looking at the cut on his cheek, even though she wasn't even doing anything with it at the moment.

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