chapter 27

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Three weeks later.

"So you haven't seen him for... how long did you just say? Three weeks?"

Liv nodded, hanging her head low before she muttered "Yeah, three weeks and two days."

She was almost too embarrassed to look at Sarah, her new therapist, knowing how insane she probably sounded. She knew the exact amount of days it had been since she last saw Harry: twenty three.

23 days.

Twenty three days since she had last talked to him and there hadn't been a single day she didn't cry over him.

It was weird how she had left Harry's house with not a single tear on her face, but as soon as she had opened the front door of her own house, she broke down, and it felt like she hadn't stopped crying ever since.

"Have you tried sending him a message in the past three weeks? Or has he sent you a message at all?"

Liv was honestly surprised at how interested Sarah was, considering she wasn't just a regular therapist: she was a trauma specialist that had been helping Liv with her ptsd from everything Daniel had done to her.

This was the fourth therapy session; she started two weeks ago and had two sessions every week. The first three sessions, Liv really did talk about Daniel a lot, and Sarah had used different techniques on her to make her face and process her trauma. The therapy sessions were intense, and Liv usually cried throughout most of them, but so far they had really helped her.

In fact, the therapy sessions had helped Liv so much, she got more and more space in her mind to think about Harry. And although she knew Sarah wasn't there to help her with that, she couldn't ignore how she felt any longer. She felt like she was slowly going insane not knowing if she'd ever see or speak to him again.

"I tried to call him once," Liv answered her therapist quietly, still somewhat embarrassed. "But he didn't pick up."

Sarah hummed and gently laid her pen down on her notebook, leaning back in her chair as she kept her eyes on Liv, who continued looking down at the fidget cube in her hands that Sarah always gave her at the start of each session to calm her down.

"When did you call him?" the brown haired woman asked, pushing her glases up her nose a little.

Sarah was pretty: she had beautiful long, brown hair and dark brown eyes. Her glasses always sat perfectly on her face and she had perfectly smooth skin. The first time Liv came in, she was honestly a bit intimidated by the woman, but Sarah's voice was so soothing and soft, she couldn't be intimidating in any way.

"Last weekend," Liv said after a short pause in which she just replayed the night back in her head.

It was Saturday night when she called him; she was home alone and she had been drinking to forget about him, but the opposite happened.

She knew she shouldn't have called him, but by the time she realised what she was doing, the phone was already ringing. She ended up staring at her screen for over thirty seconds, but he never picked up.

Sarah hummed again and leaned forward to rest her elbows on her desk. She opened her mouth to talk, but Liv surprisingly looked up at her and spoke first.

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