chapter 30

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Liv had just walked away after stepping on Harry's flowers, leaving him speechless and frozen in the middle of the sidewalk.

It seemed like her words had done something to Harry; she didn't see him for days after that. It didn't mean she could forget about him, though; he was on her mind almost every second of the day.

He was on her mind so much, she spent her next therapy session just talking about him. Sarah didn't seem to mind; she even gave Liv some good advice.

Liv almost felt like she was glowing when she stepped out of the room; ever since her job interview a few days ago, she had continued caring about her appearance. She took the time to get ready every morning, and always picked an outfit that made her feel confident, even if she didn't have to go anywhere.

She felt like she could become a new person, despite her heartbreak, and Sarah's words only made her feel better about herself. Everything felt good for a little while. Just a little while, because it changed as soon as she stepped out of the building and saw a car she immediately recognised standing in the middle of the parking lot.

And it wasn't her mum's.

"For fuck sake," she mumbled to herself, and she wanted to turn around to walk back into the building, but the car door already opened and she saw Harry getting out, quickly hurrying over to her.

"You know this is considered stalking, right?" Liv told him, trying to ignore how much her stomach was flipping at the sight of him.

Harry still wasn't wearing his suit. This time, he was wearing a simple white t shirt and black pants. He had sunglasses on his head, preventing his hair from falling in front of his eyes.

He had dark circles underneath his eyes, which made Liv wonder if that was why he had the sunglasses; to hide how exhausted he looked.

"I was just- I was driving and I-" Harry stuttered, almost clumsily.

"You were driving and...?" Liv asked him, her eyebrow raised. "And your car just happened to stop here?"

Harry sighed and shrugged as he looked at his feet, his sunglasses slowly sliding off his head, landing on his nose.

Although she hated him and she desperately wanted him to fuck off, she couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

Harry just groaned in frustration, though, and grabbed his sunglasses to put them back in his hair. "No. No, I got a call and-"

"Jesus christ, Harry, just say you stalked me and found out I go to therapy here," Liv cut him off to spare him from embarrassment while trying to come up with a bad lie.

Harry's teeth grazed over his bottom lip. "I'm sorry. I just can't stop thinking about you. I really can't."

He kept looking down at his feet, almost as if he was too ashamed to look at her.

Liv just sighed in annoyance. "How did you find this place anyway? And the exact time I'm here?"

"I, uh..."

Harry very obviously tried to come up with another lie, looking everywhere but at her as he was thinking, but he eventually looked back down and mumbled "I drove past your house and your mum told me you're not home. I just figured..."

"You figured I don't have any other place to be than therapy," Liv filled it in for him, and Harry wanted to shake his head and deny it, but eventually just shrugged.

Liv just grinned, as it was almost amusing to her that her life was that pathetic. She then fixed her jacket a little and said "I'm not in the mood to talk to you, though, but good try."

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