chapter 12

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She felt his hands on her waist as he immediately kissed her back. His lips were soft, but he kissed her roughly, as if he had been holding himself back forever.

She felt how his teeth grazed over her bottom lip before he very gently bit it, smiling into the kiss when he heard Liv gasp softly.

She felt how he pulled her hips closer; so close, her crotch was against his.

Their mouths slightly opened and closed as they kissed, moving in sync. Neither of them pulled away for what felt like ages, and Liv felt her cheeks burning up more and more the longer they continued.

Harry was breathing heavily, his lips still pressed onto hers as he was leading the kiss. He pulled her hips even closer to her for a second, before he very carefully pushed her to make her walk backwards, still not breaking the kiss.

She let him guide her with her eyes closed, while she only focused on the way he never took his lips off hers.

Eventually, Liv's back touched the stone cold wall next to the bathroom door that was still open, as she was supposed to just make her way to the bedroom before she changed her mind.

The pain Liv felt in her back when she was pressed against the wall, reminded her of the bruise she had on there. She couldn't help but gasp at the sharp pain, pulling back for just a second. Harry frowned at her, but quickly seemed to realise why it hurt.

Liv just smiled faintly as a way to brush it off and she leaned in to kiss him again, but Harry moved his head away, catching her off guard.

"I'm sorry," he said as he took his hands of her hips and took a small step back to create some space.

Liv shook her head, smiling again. "It's okay. I forgot about it too."

Harry shook his head though, a deep frown on his face as he ran his hand through his hair. "No, I'm sorry about this. This is wrong."

Liv looked at him confusedly, a bit lost. She noticed how something had changed in his face. There was no smirk, or any kind of smile around his lips.


"I shouldn't have kissed you back. This was a mistake," he said before Liv could even properly bring out any words.

He breathed out slowly through his mouth, as if he was calming himself down, and he ran his hand through his hair another time.

"Are you serious?" Liv finally said, pushing herself away from the wall, waiting for him to look at her again.

He did, and sighed. "Yeah, Liv. I-"

"You can't be fucking serious," she cut him off. "You know really fucking well what you were doing before I kissed you."

Harry nodded and took a step closer to her again, reaching out to touch her arm. "I know, I'm sorry. You're still in a vulnerable state especially after what happened today and I shouldn't have-"

"You kissed me back, twice as hard!" Liv cut him off, slapping his hand away.

"Yeah. I wasn't thinking and I-"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Liv yelled at him, pushing her arms on his bare chest to push him away from her. "You really think you're all that, don't you?!"

"No, Liv," he said, trying to stay calm to calm her down too. "I was just messing around with you. I didn't expect you to actually kiss me."

Liv's mouth fell open at his words, her eyes big as she was trying to search for the right words while her mind was racing.

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