chapter 10

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Everything felt different. It felt like she wasn't in her own body. As if she was just watching someone else who was making their way to Harry's house, ringing the doorbell.

Time felt unreal too. After ringing the doorbell, she couldn't even tell if she waited five seconds or five minutes for him to open the door. She just disassociated the entire time while waiting for him.

She looked up at him when the door flung open, though, and she saw his big green eyes filled with worry and a bit of anger.

"Where have you been? Could you not just text me back or call me to at least let me know you're alright? You made me fucking pace around the house for an hour thinking something bad happened to you and you just-"

Harry stopped his rant to her mid sentence when he realised something actually did seem wrong with her. The expression on his face completely changed: the anger vanished within a second.

"Liv?" he asked, snapping his fingers in front of her face while she was just stood in front of him, staring at him without moving a muscle. "Did something happen?"

Very slowly, Liv nodded, almost as if she was uncertain if something had actually happened. She could tell how confused Harry was, by the way the expression on his face changed a few times.

"What happened?" he asked as he gently took her hand to pull her inside so she wouldn't just stand there and stare. Liv let him, but jumped and stopped breathing from the pain she felt when he put his hand on her back to try and guide her to the living room.

Harry immediately took his hand away, a deep frown displayed on his face.


He looked at her for a moment, as if he was waiting for her to tell him he could lift her clothes up to look at her back. She just stared though, and didn't move when he carefully moved the back of her hoodie up.

She heard how he gasped, and he let her hoodie go just to turn her around, holding his hands on both her upper arms as he looked at her intensely.

"What happened, Liv?"

She did make eye contact with him, and felt her chest go tighter as if she slowly started to realise she didn't just imagine what had happened to her, but it had actually happened and Harry could see it too.

"Say something!" he yelled, shaking her body a little, but his eyes immediately softened again when he noticed how much she jumped at his sudden loud voice.

He let her arms go, walking to the door that lead to the living room. "Do you wanna sit down first?" he asked, turning around.

Liv didn't nod or shake her head, but took a step in his direction, telling him she'd follow him that way. Only when Harry turned back around and made his way into the living room, Liv finally got the courage to speak up.

"Daniel raped me."

Harry stopped in his tracks immediately, turning around in one fast move. "He..."

She was just stood there, her arms hanging at her sides, watching him as he rushed back towards her.

"He fucking what, Liv?"

His voice was low and he was holding her chin gently with one hand to make her look at him. His green eyes were big and glossy.

"Did he hurt you? Did he fucking... Of course he hurt you. That's a stupid fucking question," Harry rambled, letting her face go to turn around as if he was going to walk away from her, but immediately turning back around to look at her. It looked like he didn't know what to do with himself.

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