chapter 23

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Liv groaned softly in annoyance when she felt a hand on her cheek, gently stroking up and down, waking her up.

She heard a chuckle before the same soft voice spoke again. "I just wanted to check if you're alright."

Liv squeezed her eyes before opening them, frowning deeply and blinking rapidly as the bright light in the room was just a little too much for her to take at the moment.

She looked up at Harry, who was standing at the side of the bed, a little bent down to be able to reach her face. She could tell he just had a shower: his hair was still a bit damp and it was hanging flat in front of his face, only the ends curling just a little bit. She smiled a little at the sight before her eyes moved down to his bare upper body; for some reason he hadn't bothered to put on a t shirt yet.

He was wearing grey sweatpants that were sitting low enough to expose the line of his boxers. His boxers, in turn, were low enough to expose the fern branches he had tattooed at the bottom of his stomach.

"No suit," she commented with a dozy smile before closing her eyes again.

Harry chuckled again as he took his hand away, which caused Liv to immediately open her eyes again with a little frown, already missing his gentle and warm touch.

"You're in luck because I'm suspended anyway, so you won't see the suit for a while," Harry told her as he shot her one more amused smile before walking over to the closet in the corner of his bedroom.

Liv had slept in his bed again last night, which was something they barely even discussed. They both knew she wouldn't do well sleeping alone, and after kissing most of the day, there was no point in sleeping in separate beds anyway.

The night went better than Liv expected; of course she had woken up a few times, feeling anxious and scared, but she managed to calm herself down every single time. She knew it was mainly because she was just exhausted from not sleeping the night before. The upcoming night was probably going to be worse, now she actually had a good night sleep. 

Her eyes stayed on Harry as he searched through the closet for something to wear, frowning a little as he did so.

After about fifteen seconds, his eyes landed on something, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a smile before he pulled out a white t shirt with red letters that Liv couldn't quite read yet.

Harry closed the closet before pulling the t shirt over his head, ruffling his hair after. Liv was still looking at him, slowly pushing herself up since she felt herself actually waking up a little now. She saw how Harry smiled contentedly as he turned around, and Liv's eyes moved down to the text on the t shirt.

"But daddy I love him," she read out loud, frowning a little.

"Mhm," Harry hummed as he pulled his cross necklace out of the t shirt so it was hanging on top of it. "Do you like it?"

"What does it mean?" she asked him, ignoring his question.

Harry shrugged and Liv's eyes followed him as he walked over to his nightstand to grab his rings one by one to put them on.

"But daddy I love him," he simply said.

Liv just rolled her eyes and watched him in silence, somehow being intrigued by his every move. Only when Harry looked back up at her, she snapped out of it.

"Talking about daddies," he started, causing Liv to look at him with a confused frown because it was such an odd way to start a sentence. "Luca is coming over today."

Liv froze for a second. She had completely forgotten about the fact that he was a dad. He had a son, for three years now. 

He had a son and Liv was horrible with kids. She never had siblings or young cousins and she couldn't remember the last time she was around a toddler.

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