chapter 36

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Harry was normally pretty good at hiding his emotions whenever he had to. It was an important trait to have as a detective.

But this time, during dinner, he was the worst at hiding how pissed off he actually was.

Harry was sat right next to Liv, and in front of Liv's mum. Of course, he was perfectly able to keep that same sweet and kind smile on his face whenever he was talking to her, but at the same time, his hand was resting on Liv's thigh. And it was obviously for a reason.

Most of the time, it was just laid there, and it wasn't moving at all. But at random times, whenever Liv least expected it, he squeezed her thigh. He never just squeezed it softly; his fingers dug into her skin every time he did it, and he held it for at least five seconds every single time, before releasing his grip, acting like nothing ever happened.

That wasn't the only thing he did while he had his hand rested on her leg; sometimes, while he was happily talking about the simplest things, Harry slowly moved his hand closer to the inside of Liv's thigh. He always made sure one of his fingers touched a sensitive spot, not stopping until she squirmed, before he moved his hand back to the top of her leg.

He did it all without batting Liv an eye. Even whenever he spoke to her, he refused to look at her. He always just looked down at his plate, digging his fork in a piece of vegeteble while he talked to her in the fakest sweet voice she had ever heard him use. It got so bad, he even started to sound sarcastic at times when he responded to something she said.

Somehow, Liv's mum didn't seem to notice anything strange about Harry's behaviour. She did notice Harry's hand on Liv's thigh, and had just winked at Liv with the biggest smile as if it was a good thing Harry was sat like that.

It really wasn't a good thing.

Liv was slowly going insane. They had only been sitting at the dinner table for fifteen minutes, maybe twenty, but it felt like an hour. Liv's heart was constantly racing, and she was almost too afraid to move or even eat as all she could think about was when Harry's next move was going to be. She wanted to be prepared, because the last thing she wanted was her accidentally making a sound or a weird move that would make her mum notice that something was going on.

But she knew that that was exactly what Harry was going for. And she knew he absolutely loved this game.

"You have a kid, don't you Harry? I remember you telling me," Liv's mum asked Harry with a kind smile before taking another bite of the traditional Italian dish Harry made; Melanzane alla Parmigiana.

It was basically eggplant with parmezan, and some vegetables that Harry had added on top of it. While explaining the dish to them, which Harry surprisingly pronounced in perfect Italian, Harry had told them it was one of his favourite traditional Italian dishes. Apparently Italy was his favourite country and he visited it so often, he knew the language quite well now, which Liv never even knew.

Liv had to admit the food was really good, and she just wished she had any kind of appetite so she could enjoy it properly.

"I do, yeah." Harry nodded, smiling widely. "My little boy. He's turning four in July."

His hand didn't move just yet.

It gave Liv the time to take another bite of the food, because she knew Harry wouldn't move his hand up her thigh while talking about Luca. He'd be too focused on talking about Luca to even notice her, anyway. He loved talking about his son.

"Wow," Liv's mum said, her eyebrows raised in surprise, "you became a dad at such an early age then, didn't you?"

Harry chuckled softly and shrugged as he put his fork down to pick up his glass of water. "I was nineteen, yeah. But don't worry, it was planned. I'm always careful when it comes to-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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