chapter 34

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Instead of getting a bath, Liv ended up sitting downstairs for a few hours while Harry slept in her bed.

She found something to take her mind off whatever was driving her insane earlier; she washed Harry's t shirt to make sure all the blood and vomit was out of it and she had gotten out a sewing kit to sew the ripped bits back together.

It didn't entirely work like she hoped it would, but she knew Harry would at least be able to wear the t shirt again.

It was the least she could do after seeing his sad eyes when he noticed how badly his t shirt was ruined.

And she honestly couldn't risk never seeing him in that t shirt ever again; he looked way too good in it, although that was something she was never going to admit to him.

It was early morning when Liv finally went back upstairs to sleep. Harry was fast asleep when she walked back into her bedroom, but Liv still put a pillow in between their bodies to prevent him from pulling her against his chest in his sleep, which she knew was a habit of his.

She was so tired, she forgot to even set an alarm, so once she woke up, it was one in the afternoon and Harry was nowhere to be seen.

Liv immediately sat up straight when she realised what time it was and what happened the night before. She quickly grabbed her phone to check if she had any texts or calls from Harry after he seemingly left her house while she was sleeping, but she had none.

Just as she unlocked her phone and clicked on Harry's contact to call him, she heard her mum's laughter coming from downstairs, followed by some mumbling that could only be Harry.

Although Liv was utterly confused, wondering what Harry was doing downstairs talking to her mum, she also immediately panicked when she realised she let Harry sleep over for the night. The one single night her mum was out. Her mum trusted her, and always told her to not invite anyone over while she was gone. Especially no boys; it had been a rule ever since she was fifteen.

Liv quickly put some clothes on and rushed down the stairs, only to be met by the pair standing in the kitchen, still talking and laughing.

Harry was frying bacon while Liv's mum was leaning against the kitchen counter, happily talking to him about her night.

Liv couldn't hear much about it, though, because her mum stopped talking as soon as Liv walked in.

Surprisingly, she smiled widely and walked over to Liv to kiss her head. "Good morning, honey."

Harry now turned around, a big smile on his face as well, and Liv could hear him grin softly before he said "Yeah, good morning honey."

He almost said it in a mocking way, putting emphasis on the pet name to just copy what her mum called her, and it caused Liv to just roll her eyes at him.

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" she asked him, looking down at the bacon in the pan that was almost done.

"Isn't that something you should be able to answer?" her mum jumped in, frowning a little although she still had a small smile on her face. "I almost jumped out of my skin when he walked down the stairs this morning."

Liv bit her lip, looking at her mum as her eyes filled with guilt. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"He's made me breakfast, though, so I can't complain," her mum talked over her before Liv could even properly explain or apologise. By the way the frown on her mum's face had completely disappeared, Liv could tell she wasn't mad at all. Liv just sighed in relief and forced a small smile. Her mum not being mad at her didn't take away the fact that she still felt guilty, maybe even embarrassed.

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