chapter 13

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Two weeks had passed.

Two weeks since she left Harry's house and went back to her mum's house, just to give it a try. Her mum refused to let her back in at first, which Liv didn't blame her for. But once Liv broke down in front of her, telling her about everything that happened ever since she was kicked out and how she hadn't done any weed for the past days, her mum eventually let her in.

Her mum was sceptical though, but Liv didn't mind. She knew she needed the help, and so far it had only resulted in good things.

Every day was harder than the one before, as Liv started feeling the withdrawals from quitting weed more and more. She had slipped up twice as she had found weed in her room, but the sudden lack of weed in her system in general messed her body up intensely.

On top of that, she had to deal with trying to process everything. Liv, and her mum, had to deal with her anger issues every day, as it was just too much for her body and mind sometimes. But her mum was patient, and Liv got through every hard day reminding herself to be grateful she at least had a roof over her head.

Trying to deal with what Daniel had done to her, was by far the hardest thing Liv was dealing with right now. Her mum was keeping her off school as police investigation was still going, though. Liv couldn't even imagine how bad she would have been if she couldn't just stay home and had to face Daniel instead.

She never expected it, but she was thinking about Harry more than she thought he would, and it even resulted in sleepless nights. She hated him, but she couldn't get the image of kissing him out of her head. She hoped she'd never see him again, but she also couldn't stop thinking about the way he comforted her exactly the way she needed every time she was freaked out.

She hadn't had to leave the house at all for a full week, but today was a day she had been dreading for a while. She had gotten a call from the police station telling her to come in and add to her statement, after they had spoken to Daniel.

"We're here."

Liv had zoned out so much as she was sat in the car next to her mum, she hadn't even noticed they had arrived at the police station already.

She breathed in and out deeply before she unbuckled herself and got out of the car. Her mum waited for her to do it first, before she followed.

She felt her mum's hand on her back as they walked to the entrance. Although her mum hadn't completely forgiven her, she was incredibly supportive when it came to the investigation. She even sobbed when Liv told her what happened, and she had promised Liv she would help her through it.

So there they were, walking to the reception together, Liv guided by her mum as if she was a little kid.

Her mum did all the talking: she told the woman behind the counter Liv's name and age and the reason they were there. In the meantime, Liv was looking around the room nervously, praying she wouldn't see Harry.

She knew he was probably back at work, as he had been suspended for only two weeks. Somehow, she was praying he had been suspended for longer, or maybe even been fired.

The ten minute wait in the general waiting hall felt like the longest wait ever. Every person walking in and out the room looked like Harry, up until a point where Liv slowly started convincing herself she was hallucinating.

Luckily, an officer eventually came to pick her up, and led her to private room somewhere far down the hall.

It was a different room than the one she had been in a little over two weeks ago: it was much darker and there was a big table with two chairs on one side, and two on the other. The officer sat Liv down, before he walked to the other side of the table and sat down in front of her.

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