chapter 7

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She had walked away in so much anger, she hadn't realised she had nowhere to go, especially because her bag with clothes were still at Harry's house.

On top of that, she had no money left to buy food, and Daniel wasn't responding to her messages asking if he wanted to come to their usual spot.

She still ended up going there, though, smoking the one extra joint he had given her after having sex with her. She just hoped if she'd sit there long enough, he would show up and bring some food; he was her last resort.

Even if that was in exchange for sex again, she wouldn't mind. As long as she had food, weed and him, she didn't mind.

Hours passed, and it got darker and colder every minute. The extra sweater Liv was wearing the other day, was still at Harry's house, so she was freezing now.

After a few long hours, she finally heard footsteps coming from the direction Daniel always came from. With hopeful eyes, Liv waited for Daniel to come out, but her heart dropped when she saw the last person she wanted to see: Harry.

The first thing she noticed was that he wasn't wearing his suit, like he normally was. He was wearing grey sweatpants that looked like the ones he gave her, and a white t shirt with sleeves he rolled up almost to the top of his shoulders, his tattoos on full display.

His hair was a mess, more than ever. There was nothing left of the slicked back look he had that morning. He had more curls than ever, that were going in every direction, but hanging especially in front of his face.

She saw how he breathed out deeply when he saw her, followed by a soft "oh", whatever that meant.

Liv just looked at the tree in front of her, pretending he wasn't there. She knew walking away or hiding the joint wasn't going to do anything. He had seen the joint anyway, and he would definitely follow her if she'd just walk away.

"I've been looking for you."

In the corner of her eyes, she saw how he slowly walked in her direction, carefully stepping over the twigs on the ground.

She wanted to tell him how he was a shitty detective if he had looked around for her for a while and hadn't bothered searching her usual spot. She didn't, though, and instead took another hit of her joint to calm herself down.

She inhaled extra long, almost in annoyance, when Harry sat down next to her, on the spot she had kept free for Daniel.

He shivered shortly before he crossed his arms over his chest to try and keep himself warm.

"Do detectives not do coats?" Liv asked him sarcastically. "Or is your ego too big for that?"

Harry breathed in sharply, as if he was somewhat hurt by her comment. "I'm sorry Liv, okay?"

Liv scoffed and rolled her eyes, blowing out some smoke before bringing the joint back to her lips.

"I should've said something when I had the chance and I shouldn't have just let you walk away."

Liv shook her head. "I didn't need your 'magic words' ."

Harry sighed, running his hand through his damp curls. "I know. That's why I should've told you you're right. I do know what it's like to be vulnerable and to have an addiction but I was still too hard on you. I was no help at all."

Liv shook her head in agreement.

"When I noticed you smoked again, I just felt like I failed. I didn't understand how that officer helped me, but I couldn't help you. I got so caught up in that thought, I forgot I slipped up a few times too. And he was still there for me."

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