Task 1 - Training (PC)

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Percy opened the door to the training center without hesitation, although he was sure he'd left the sweat from his hands for the next person who entered. Even after wiping them on his pants moisture remained in the creases of his palms, ceasing to leave. He told himself to calm down repeatedly. Not out loud, of course: he'd be seen as an easy target. No, he had to appear strong, intimidating.

He ran speculating eyes over the other tributes. His heart dropped like a weight having only been suspended by a fraying rope. Half looked like all they had to do was tap his shoulder and he'd lose an arm.

"Hey," a voice beside him said. Percy jumped. Calm down, he told himself. It's illegal to harm tributes here. You're fine. It was the girl from his district. "Think you should train instead of standing around like a mannequin?"

A nervous chuckle escaped Percy's lips. "Not sure what to do." His voice had cracked. Now you've done it. "See-you-bye."

Percy took off to a nearly deserted portion of the room. As he took a look around he saw most of the trainees there were thinner, less daunting than the others. A wave of calm washed over him. But he never let his guard down. Where strength was lacking, smarts were in abundance. He glanced over his shoulder. A weapon in hand led to intimidation...but survival skills showed intelligence.

He barely heard a frustrated grunt to his left. A boy his age, with dark skin and a cane leaning on the bench beside him, was having trouble tying a simple knot. Percy made an immediate decision. I want him as an ally.

Percy sat next to him and picked up a rope laying about. He didn't speak, but waited for the response, and worked on tying complicated knots. He finished in seconds and glanced at the boy, who was staring oddly at the work he'd done, then back at his own tangled mess. Percy took his chances. "You've tucked the rope wrong. Try under that end."

The boy looked confused, so Percy took him step by step through the knot and made him attempt. It took several minutes, but succeeded. "We use knots all the time in my district. Complicated buggers."

"Fishing," the boy finally said, "right?"

"Nuclear, right?" The boy gave a slight grin. Percy held out his hand, sweat having disappeared after rubbing against rope. "Percy."

Warily, the boy shook his hand. "Naveen." Strong arms.

An awkward silence followed and Percy, figuring there wasn't much else he could do, stood. "Well, I should head to another station. If you need help, let me know."

Percy spent the next ten minutes on an edible plants station, passing it with flying colors. He'd spent countless days memorizing them back in his district. Nightlock was the only thing he'd mixed up. When it happened, a girl with choppy hair snickered at him, as if it were obvious.

He pressed his lips in a straight line and looked at the combat sector. It's evident I'm not seen as a threat. Knowing himself, he wasn't going to let everyone stare as though he were a feast. The element of surprise would've given him an advantage in the arena, but showing strengths here would do just as much good.

Percy straightened his posture and marched to what he recognized as a spear at once. Having grown up in the fishing district, he familiarized himself with it as both a weapon and source of food. During his earlier years his parents tried training him to be a Career Tribute, but he'd never shown interest. Still, being from a Career district, others expected him to be like 1 and 2. A fierce warrior learned in the arts of fighting since birth. He chuckled at the idea.

Lightweight, sleek metal made up the entirety of the spear. For a moment Percy felt at home with it in his hands. Maybe the arena won't be so bad if I have this... Trapped in examination, he hadn't noticed someone speaking until they tapped his shoulder. District 3 motioned at the rack. Percy stepped to the side.

"Sharp puppies these are," Alistair said. Percy remembered his reaping. When he stood, he was taller than Percy, one of the few.

Percy nodded, eyeing the tip with interest.

Alistair pointed up. "Try it on the rope up there. Cuts like butter, I tell you."

Percy looked at the rope tethered to the ceiling. It was part of a climbing course. He glanced at Alistair, and after bouncing the results around and hoping to please a potential ally, he sliced the rope.

His expectations were far from reality. Other ropes stuck to the ceiling to support the net so he presumed it would hold. However, once severed, the entire net collapsed and a yell followed. Percy ran around Alistair to see the District 1 girl had fallen and hit her head on the floor, glaring daggers.

Cold hands wrapped around his arms and dragged him backwards. When his captors stopped, they slammed him against the ground so his head suffered the same fate as 1. Spots disappeared and Peacekeepers took their place.

"It's illegal to harm another tribute!" one shouted.

"I-I know! I didn't think--"

"Save your excuses. This is a warning." With that, they marched off.

Percy sat up. All eyes were cast on him in humor or contempt. Alistair waltzed over and held out a hand, which Percy took and gave thanks.

"No problem. Thanks to you, I'm ahead of a Career." Alistair grinned smugly and strolled away, Percy's spear in hand.

A shred of anguish tried working around Percy's brain, but he didn't allow it. Instead he brushed himself off and headed back to the spears. He could feel the eyes of the Gamemakers burning holes through his skull like hot coals. Or maybe it was just District 12.

Still, it didn't affect him. Arching his arm back, spear in hand, one thought was persistent: At least I caught their eyes. The spear flew.




Other: Percy Cole was also sponsored this round. There was no specific Gamemaker sponsoring him; he was referred to as the "Wild Card."

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