Task 2 ♟Between the Lines [FSC]

11 1 0

but don't be fooled it's not legit

It came with the shattering of glass. Falling, drifting, breaking down into-

But like yo that's irrelevant becuz lyke y'know it's in the moment and all that so lyke why wud he be payin attention to the glass falling like bro there are gunshots going PAP PAP PAP and that's the real concern so like if anything he should lyke be ducking 4 cover which he does becuz he's a smart lil cookie oh my if only half the population had the common sense he holds in his little pinky.

Anyways that's enuff for exposition so lyke the glass is raining down and he dares start singing "it's a-raining men, hallelujah" but before he can one of the gals beside him does but that was a mistake because lyke she was lookin' to the heavens for the male species and in the process some glass was like CHINk and she deD af. This is what happens when the dingle-hopper people are a priority when you are literally getting shot up like girl it's your own damn fault.

Once again, common sense. Pinkies.

Okay but lyke he's starin at the gal and shaking his head because that was such a shame she probably made great horchata but before he could pay his respects to Beyonce 2.0 the matches came flying into the building and then his eyes went wide and he was like "omg Shay works for the queen we gotta go" and so he picks his pretty little self up and starts running off and Colette is winking at him and he's like "gross I need myself a royal man" so he follows Nicholas off into the rest of the building to save all the other peeps because he's a teddy bear and maybe if he's lucky he'll get an accidental ass grab because c'mon it's the prince.

And he, most assuredly, had a spectacular squat plan.

So basically they're runnin through the building and bullets are still cracking things open like nuts, like eggs, like an huevos, so they gotta cover their heads like woah woah pls spare us but actually not because they're still running and y'know Florian still wants to balance the crazy out with the goodness so he shouts out "Save the bees!!11!1!" and keeps on going with satisfaction because he did a good.

Then they come to the end of the hall and there Tal is bein' all like "hm" and Florian stops like "ummm boi wyd" and Tal is just like "staaaanding" and Flo is like "well um you should probs go unless you're one of them sus hos which I'm pretty sure you'd try not to be but for the sake of comedic relief within this entry I'm going to act like you ain't got the sense so like yo c'mon" and Tal is like "nah" and Flo lets out an exasperated sigh like "boi, we strippers gotta stick together" and when Tal still ain't move Flo just keeps moving and kinda lowkey hopes Shay gets to him because otherwise he's gonna get his ass kicked in the future but like that's for later.

That's okay, he'll just find Guiseppe. He probably has a great squat plan too.

So lyke he keeps on running but lyke he's lost Nicholas at this point so he scratches his head lyke "well shit" and kinda runs off to find his own way out but there ain't nothing but windows so lyke he heads his pretty lil self on up to the roof and he struts his way too because he is beauty, he is grace, he is Miss United Sectors of Argyris.

And then he whispers one last "save the bees" before going hoppity hop and kinda just prays that there's lyke a trampoline or something miraculously convenient just waiting for him down below otherwise he will be seeing the light of Jesus and he's too young to die but luckily for him there's an automatic 12 to be used so little does he know he's got a little bubble and he go bounce bounce because logic and then all is well and everyone holds hands and sings kumbaya and everything is good.

Lyke this if u cri evrytim 

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Score - Automatic 12/0.5 = 11.5 

Rank - 1st 

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