Vita Voy [Tribute Form]

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GAMES - Author Games: Family Comes First

NAME: Vita Voy

AGE: 16

GENDER: Female

DISTRICT: 10 (Livestock)

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Vita has a cold look about her, in more than just her facial features. The way she holds herself suggests she's constantly tense, not a flaw in the straightness of her back, not one wrinkle in the sharpness of her movements. Her skin is fair and burns easily in the beating sun of Ten; she's usually seen with red skin and peeling shoulders. Her chocolate brown hair is kept short and boyish, the dark color blending nicely with the green of her eyes which are adorned by brows that are naturally bent in such a way that makes her look intense, like she's trying to intimidate those around her. Tall and slender, she manages to pull off being muscular without it harming her feminine appearance. Occasionally, one will see her lips pull up in a mischievous smirk, and when that happens, it seems her whole face shifts into something either dangerous or warm. It's hard to decipher.

PERSONALITY: Indifferent. That is how you describe Vita Voy in one word. There's no influence on this girl's attitude by anyone else; she's simply been this way for years after a slow descent into straight emotionlessness. This doesn't mean she can't feel little spurts of emotion, like anger, depression, other irrelevant things such as those, but positive emotions often fail to show themselves. The most she'll end up with is a light contentment. Easing away from the internal aspects, she's an awfully open person, one that tends to speak in uncaring drawls over personal things no one else would dare admit. She's casual and light, but there's an undertone to her nonchalance that shows hints of malice. Egocentric and distrustful of others, she's withdrawn from most of the district. One thing's for certain, though: as soon as she's raised into the arena, she'll unravel herself until the word people use to describe her morphs from indifferent to vicious.

PAST: Childhood is always the happiest stretch of time one can experience, and it was no different for Vita. This happiness was mostly spurred on by her siblings, all three of which would both rough-house with her and share the compassion families usually felt for one another. As time went on, they grew up, including herself. During this period of exploration she found herself fascinated with controversial inventors and resentful activists that showed their plain disapproval for the Games in any way they could. Of course, they were usually caught and executed, but that didn't scare her away.

She tried sharing these views with her family, but they were strongly against her romanticism of rebellion and began to strongly disagree with whatever she said, whatever it may be. They shot her down verbally, and her siblings (who were quickly taught that diversion from law was shameful) soon grew to abandon rough-housing in exchange for cruel acts of indirect violence and sabotage. This carried on for several years, but Vita never lost her views - in fact, they were heightened. It left her feeling resentful and uncaring of those around her.

CONNECTIONS: Vita used to have a strong connection to her eldest brother, Veneer, who was the only one that took the time to listen to her with an open-mind and ease her worries over what was to come next. This ended, however, when he got in a cattle accident and died. Her other two brothers, Vasyl and Vinh, share a hostile relationship with her, and harsh words are often shared, two against one.

STRENGTHS: Her deceptive ways will probably squeeze her through a few rough situations. She's also a clever girl, and extremely crafty. Her experience with herding cattle means she knows a few tricks of the trade, including how to use specific weaponry and baiting animals.

WEAKNESSES: She needs to feel control over a situation, otherwise she'll begin to feel helpless and have little sprees of paranoia in which she becomes unpredictable and reckless. She has trouble climbing; additionally, the hatred she seems to radiate will keep allies away and keep sponsors disgusted. Also suffering from insomnia, she'll have a difficult time staying energized and on her feet during her stay in the arena.

WEAPON OF CHOICE: A whip with a small blade expertly tied to the end. She doesn't expect to find any lying around, but she's hoping for a whip, because daggers are abundant. Arts and crafts, aren't those fun?




to be added later - o o p s

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