Sequoia "Madame" Carlisle [Tribute Form]

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GAMES - Author Games: Victors of the Arena  

Synopsis: Listen to the willow weep. It cries because the redwood told it to.

Character Name: Sequoia "Madame" Carlisle

Gender: Female

Age: 50; a grand milestone, all things considered.

District: Five; Power

Physical Appearance: Quite often is Sequoia complimented on the youth displayed in her cheeks, and quite often does she acknowledge it herself. Though she's still got wrinkles in plain sight at the outlying corners of her features, and though she's sagging at the neck, the smooth ebony of her skin is still rather tight, and sharp as ever. She won't deny the use of certain procedures to keep up with her appearance - who wouldn't, given the means? She will, however, deny the use of dyes, as her hair is something she's all too proud of, waving and curling and deep in shining hue. It's hardly believable, considering her age, but it's understandable when she gets defensive under innocent accusations; she'd been shaved to the scalp in her Games, after all. Her stature, too, is great, so great that some people must crane or stumble to look her straight in the pointed-chin. Overall, she's a pretty woman for her age, and she makes it so.

Personality: Most of what can be gathered from the Madame comes from her voice alone; it is deep and assertive, but not rough, not harsh. Silky, if you will. This applies to her as a whole just as much as it does to her tones. She is by no means an individual who is easily commanded, who is easily bribed, who is easily tricked. She accomplishes all of this avoidance without a word noting that she's picked up on anything. Preference lies in watching plans backfire, all the while shaking firm hands with the one who might've succeeded with some other gullible schmuck. In fact, if one were to look at her since her earlier victory, they'd be able to see quite plainly that she works incredibly well in the spotlight. While she doesn't necessarily seek it out, she bathes confidently in the rewards. This whole ordeal has made her a proud individual. Too proud, too ready, and all too bitter in a witty comment thrown here and there.

Past: As a young girl, Sequoia had lived alongside poverty. The inability of her parents to manage employment in anything beyond moving crates certainly attributed to this, as did the many siblings in her household, as well as the motto of charity each of them was forced to live by on a day-to-day basis. A collection of sisters - Sheva and Sway - along with a pair of brothers - Sloan and Benji - meant there were far too many to keep track of. Naturally, she began to pick favorites, growing most fond of Sheva and Benji. These two were her anchors, all up until the Reaping. There is no valiant act of volunteering for this story; Sequoia was the one drawn, and so Sequoia was the one to go in at the ripe age of fifteen.

She went in a bit shell-shocked and confused, and she might've gone through the whole Games that way, had a particular incident between her and a Career during training not fully opened opportunity to her. They'd ruined her mentality for all of ten minutes - and then she vowed she would not let any pretty boy or any smug girl have the satisfaction of pathetic taunting. She was no toy, she was no joke, and she made that quite clear in the first one, two, three weeks of the arena, rolling through and allowing only one bond to form in full. It was an alliance between two, with an Evander from Seven. Clearly, that didn't work out so well.

After Sequoia's victory, she was welcomed back home with open arms, but she preferred her new privileges, so she went to live alone, offering residence to Sheva and Benji only. Sheva denied and remained with the family, while Benji still walks at her side at all times. And though she tried often, she never could force herself to stay in long-term relationships. She did have a daughter, once, and now that she's just about ready for higher education, the two are going through academic routes together. They were discussing schools when the Capitol sent out their quell broadcast.

Strengths: She's learned to charm a crowd, whether it be sponsors or some other variation of human being, so she'll have no trouble socially. Her ferocity in day-to-day situations, however subtle, is also something that will accompany her in the arena, as it always has. She analyzes, she calculates, she rationalizes.

Weaknesses: Well, she's fifty. As much as she may deny it, the years have taken a significant toll on her body. She's also just as prone as she was when she was fifteen to lashing out when the pressure gets too high, which would most definitely drop her odds. There's been a few faults in her mind, too, as of late, where she's spent several hours sitting around in the dark, refusing to speak with anyone. She's unsure whether those will find a place here. 

Tribute #20 

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