Task 3 - Animalization (RQ)

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The only thing that seemed to process through Reed's foggy wakefulness was the feeling of something like soft shoe leather rubbing against his arm. It trailed up his skin like the cold touch of a despicable woman, a woman he'd once called his mother, whom only had thoughts for work, work, work. She was a real bother, really, constantly hollering at him whenever she managed to catch him sneaking out the back door, or gathering up a belt in her hands at the sight of him eyeing a peculiar rock that may have sat by his foot. But now, he thought, stretching, she isn't here to pester me any longer. I'm sure she's just dying to lecture me on the complexities of being a functioning member of Panem society.

Briefly, he recalled his sister. She was the only bearable person in his life, the only one that saw just how much an adventure meant to him, knew that nothing would stop him from searching for some miraculous chance to leave home. If only he'd never had to go back. And with this, questioning flowed through his brain. Who said I have to go home? Maybe I can just hide out in this arena until it's all over, make people think I've lost. He smiled, excited. The "slain" prince, instead an inhabitant of the jungle. They can't get their hovercrafts down here, either, so there'll never be proof!

He shoved himself to a sit, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. A yawn escaped him, reminding him of a cat's meow, and he giggled. Surely his mood had brightened from his new plans. Then he went through the routine of stretching, and again the coldness returned. This time, it stayed for a while.

It moved against him.

Reed scrambled away from whatever was touching him, gathering the bow up in his hands and pulling back an empty drawstring in hopes of scaring away whatever it was in the dim light filtering through the cave. His back met the same substance and he lurched forward, spinning in a full circle in hopes of a way out. His heart dropped. I'm trapped. Falling over his small form were jail bars in the form of coral. He was imprisoned. Like an animal. Animalization.

A portion of the coral extended out past the little ledge of rock Reed had found to rest his eyes - disappearing to who-knew-where underwater. It had been a miracle he'd managed to keep his head afloat yesterday, but now it seemed the water level rose. Even he knew he was a goner, for he couldn't swim. You'd think running around Seven I'd have found a fish to teach me, but nope. A knight ought to know how to swim. Then again, wouldn't his armor weigh him down?

Reed cast an uncertain glance at his bow before slinging it over his shoulder, slipping his three arrows under the security of his belt - which was necessary because even those tight pants were far too big.

He couldn't stay there much longer. His plan would never work out, the water would just keep rising until he drowned. At attempt to find a new place was necessary before they decided to flush him out. So, he swung his legs over the ledge, grabbed hold of the thriving sea-creature, and lowered himself into the water, making sure to take a deep breath beforehand. Right, left. A single path of coral took off in the latter, and two walls of it took off in the former.

The walls seemed more imprisoning than the cage was, and he had no intention of wondering where the maze would lead him. The path was something he could follow, he could cling to it until it took him wherever they planned. Much more open, much less confined. Much less animalization.

So, he resolved to head left. The coral felt weird under his scratched palms, moving like a being all on its own. He fell into a mesmerized state by the colors as he pulled himself along. Bright reds and pinks, exotic blues and greens. They waved at him, and he hit the surface for air, giggling before heading back down. This is so cool! The Gamemakers are being pretty nice to us - well, me, at least. But everyone loves me so it's understandable. But...wow! It's like a new adventure everyday. A grin snuck onto his face. I'm a caveman, swimming through in search of food. No, a fight.

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