Task 5 - Shedding Blood (CC)

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As soon as Corradhin entered the freedom of a clearing, and as soon as humidity loosened around him, he wrenched his arm free of Amani's grasp, marching over to the center in which his allies sat. Immediately they barraged him with questions, like where he'd been, primarily what happened to his eyes. But the flush of rage at himself, at Amani, at everything came through in angry huffs, and soon Amelia and Danelieux got the hint that he was not, in any way, okay. By the time he'd made it to the center they were both already taking caution at the fringe of forestry.

He clenched his fists repeatedly, but it did nothing to stop the trembles that overtook his body. The gravity of his situation had finally, finally fell across him. Kissing Amani, going blind, volunteering, all of it. And, along with all those things, the reality of Beckett no longer existing hit him full force for the second time.

And so, he screamed.

He screamed until his throat was raw, and even then he didn't stop, letting his screeches tear themselves free, tear into him. Back in Four, when he'd seen Beckett slit his own throat, he hadn't had the luxury of making such sounds. Instead, he'd calmly left the crowd, headed home, and sat in a chair to let everything sink in.

It had sunk in - but not entirely. It still hadn't fully hit. But the wound was still fresh, and that kiss just ripped open the stitches. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm fucking sorry! "Why the hell did any of this happen?!" His hands found refuge in his hair and he tugged, eager to tear his brain out with it. It all slammed into him: lips on lips - but not Amani's. Volunteering - but not to kill, not to win.

Maybe the only reason he came here was to scream. To truly scream.

And we all know that if I were to scream in the district, everyone would deem me insane and say a bullet to the brain was the best medicine for my sickness. He ripped his fingers free of the tangles in his hair, bringing his fists to rest by his side. His screams ended, but he still fumed, his body practically convulsing from the force of his breaths.

No one uttered a word. Only the uncomfortable shuffling of his allies proved they were still around. Finally, his shoulders relaxed, and he rubbed his face with blood-encrusted hands. Everything about this is just...exhausting. Not even the whole, 'run for your life' thing. I'm just so confused...what is going on with me?

It was beyond frustrating, and his groan expressed that clearly. Who am I? Why am I here, really? I think, no, I'm positive it's not just for Beckett. I'm not here to do what he couldn't do. So why...? 

"Corradhin?" Amani spoke for the first time since leaving the confines of the jungle. "Are you okay?"

Corradhin whirled towards her voice, his chest flaring up with prickles of anger. "Does it look like I'm fucking okay?"


"There's no 'but' about it, Amani." A chuckle. "I'm stuck in a dome where I'm supposed to fight until I die, my eyes have pretty much been scratched out by hooks," he counted off the sources of his hatred on his fingers, "the one person I could tolerate in this sick society slit his own throat, probably hated me while he did it. I did the worst possible thing I could think of and kissed you back. I came here to win, not to give the Capitol a romantic comedy to eat up."

"Hey, Corr, calm down, will ya?" Amelia's nails-on-a-chalkboard voice came back, and Corradhin considered ripping his ears off just so he wouldn't have to hear her. "You're hurting the poor thing's feelings."

"Do not call me Corr." He ground his teeth together. I hate them. I hate them all. "And I don't really care if I'm giving anyone's heart a boo-boo." If only their cannons would just go off...maybe I should speed it up, eh? He took in another breath, sucking in the sickly sweet scent of the flowers that were probably littering the arena. The faster they're gone, the faster I can fuck with Cadelon.

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