Florian Stacey Crest [Form]

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GAMES - Author Games: Art of War

Name: Florian Crest

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Sector: Sarcelle

Status: He works professionally in adult entertainment, particularly in those fields that require sexual confrontation. Note the "professionally." Whereas others tend to work for cheap and in rather grubby conditions, he's joined a collection of escort services that have a certain set of requirements for those wishing to employ his presence. He's done this for three years now. Before this, he worked as a bartender, but didn't like distributing the alcohol.

Appearance: He is everything you'd think someone with his occupation should look like in order to achieve success: attractive, mainly. That's the primary thing people usually pick up on when they first see him, because when they first see him, it's usually awfully dim. There are a few obvious things about him. Blondish hair kept short, a small chin, navy eyes. He's tall, too, standing at a height of six feet. For most people that come across him, this is all they get, but for others that tend to stick around, they might notice that he's not as built or broad as the others, or that his cheeks still have a roundness to them, or that he never roams around haggardly - he keeps himself together.

Personality: You'd expect Florian to be wallowing in self-regret and guilt over the acts he commits night to night for personal gain, but this is not the case. He's not the sort to think over why exactly what he's doing is bad; he's not the sort to do that, no, but that's simply because he doesn't believe it to be bad, and it's not exactly for the aforementioned personal gain. This lets him live a rather kind life, and that's what he does - he lives kindly. Those who come across him find him to be warm, especially as a stranger, and those who know him deeply have coined the nickname "teddy bear." Florian is, in short, a fuzzy man, and from his palms drip charity. He hasn't taken a sip of alcohol in years, and is heavily against the use of substances or tobacco (and tends to call people out on it). It takes plenty to affect him once he's out of his comfort zone.

Role in Rebellion: Florian is up for any of the odd jobs his directors so choose to lay on him; he may, however, be more useful as an informant. He gets around easily, and it doesn't take much to have people warm up to him and either A) tie into his trust or B) accidentally spill.

Background: When people initially meet Florian, they're surprised to find that he comes from Sarcelle (unless, of course, they know of his work), and just assume he lives in Candidus. This isn't too far from the truth. He was born in Candidus, to a medic of a mother and a humanitarian of a father. He and his brother, Christopher, lived there with little to no conflicts, but when the time came to be tested, Florian tested for Sarcelle. His brother, currently, isn't of age, but even if he were he wouldn't be in the best of states to leave, per say - he's been stuck in a hospital for quite some time now. He makes frequent travels between the two sectors despite the fact that his parents aren't too proud of his current residence. Not much else is needed to take note of, other than the fact that he presently lives in a humble apartment on his own.

Weapon of Choice: Knowing full well weaponry would be an essential, he came prepared for this one: he'd work best with a pistol, though he isn't opposed to other sorts of firearms.

Token: He'll be adamant against wearing anything other than an old pair of shoes all marked up by pen and permanent marker with doodles and names that he and Christopher had taken upon themselves to draw up one night. He usually keeps them at home, but it's all he really has of sentimental value - that he can bring with him, at least. 

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