Naomi Noelle [Tribute Form]

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GAME TITLE- Author Games: Psychopath

NAME: Naomi Noelle

AGE: 31

GENDER: Female

SUBJECT TAUGHT/GRADES TAUGHT: Naomi teaches a Psychology class for those in grades 10-12. She loves teaching complex subjects that younger students either wouldn't understand or care for.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: She takes careful steps in maintaining her appearance. She's done the best she could to keep grumpy old lady wrinkles from digging into her pale skin, and often makes extravagant patterns with her make-up. Well, she used to, until her boss told her it was "distracting the students." She found this unnecessary, but now the furthest she'll go is lining her blue eyes in black. She is very thin, and quite short; several of her students tower over her. Her hair is short, a pixie-cut, and the dark brown contrasts her practically glowing skin. She often wears simple dresses, to keep up a professional air as opposed to her teaching methods. A bright smile is constantly seen on her face.

PERSONALITY: Naomi acts the way she looks: positively, passionately. This comes especially in handy when her students approach her, just to talk. Being the psychology teacher, everyone expects her to be able to help, and many students believe she's better than the counselor at her job. In fact, she's been offered this job for next year, and looks forward to taking it up. As for her teaching habits, instead of standing at the board giving dull lectures, she prefers to have open conversations with her students about the topic of the day. Once, she even dedicated an entire class just to the practice of meditation. When she is enthusiastic, her students are enthusiastic, and that's how she likes it. Other teachers don't approve of her methods, or her hyper nature, but she gets the job done well, so they don't say much. After work, she finds herself huddled on her couch with a cup of hot chocolate and twenty cats sitting on her lap, reading up on psychological research. However, she's been distracted by the news lately, a string of murders by a group that calls themselves "Psychopaths."

PAST: Back when Naomi roamed the halls of the school she now teaches, she was nothing more than a passing face in the halls. She was never bullied, nor was she the girl everyone flocked to for friendship. Naomi was just Naomi. She would not open her mouth unless spoken to, and even then her words were curt, her statements direct. Often, she thought about how much she despised society, and the destruction humans did to the planet, to others. She didn't have to be on the receiving end of the insults and punches to know that the teenagers around her were idiots, and this fueled her lack of involvement.

However, one day she'd been passing through the halls and saw an unsuspecting student get slammed against a wall, blows being thrown while he was left defenseless. It was here she decided she'd had enough of ignoring the world and stepped up, swinging her fist right in the bully's face. After making sure the student, Radley Canyon, was okay, she resolved to at least try to get rid of her habits of hiding in the background. Ever since, the two teachers have been good friends, although conversation is rare because of their jobs and Naomi's refusal to go out for coffee after work. Or anywhere unnecessary, really.

After graduation, Naomi went off to college to earn her teaching degree. Originally she had aimed to be a neuroscientist, but she was much more fascinated with human emotion and dealing with others firsthand. She's learned much in her years as a teacher, and knows what to expect from certain attitudes given off by certain people.

WEAPON OF CHOICE: She wouldn't have a weapon on hand, seeing as she's a teacher and all. If it ever came down to it, she'd use the items around her. In the case of being attacked in school, there's always a fire extinguisher ready to distract. Not to mention - it's pretty heavy.

STRENGTHS: Naomi will do anything to protect her students, and if she has to fight in order to do it, she'll do it. She has no problem with blasting someone in the face with her hand. She can easily interpret body language and tends to know what a person will do before they even do it; she prides herself on this good judgment. She's always been known to react more on gut instinct rather than rationality, which can be seen as both a gift and a curse.

WEAKNESSES: As mentioned, Naomi will do anything to protect her students. She's the kind to jump in front of a bullet, or to blindly go after anyone trying to harm the class. Just because she's kind doesn't mean she doesn't have a temper that will get her into disastrous situations. Now, in said disastrous situations, her judgment is skewed, and she fails to think logically.

OTHER: Radley has managed to show up at Naomi's house once - she was very freaked out because he shouldn't have known where she lived - and he ended up with a severe black eye that wouldn't disappear for weeks. After apologizing for injuring him, Naomi let the teacher in and he took an automatic liking to one of her twenty cats. Its name is Leyrad and it is his favorite, therefore being her favorite. (However, she likes the one named Aikin with equal passion).

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