Task 5 - Riddle Me This (AR)

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A/N: Okay, so I finished this with three hours left to spare on the deadline. Kinda proud of my speed-writing. Tell me what you thought - mostly of the ending. Because, c'mon.

(Also, reference to the song attached, because Halsey is pretty much badass scene fuel. *shrug* I listened to it on repeat with Percy and plan on doing the same with Corr. Wink).


Aikin awoke with a sucking breath, his mouth a black hole, as if trying to vacuum the world, consume it, rip trees from their roots and walls from their supports. His bones ached as though they were those same trees, those same bits of wall torn from their places and sloppily pieced together again. He sat, and let his eyes adjust to those same walls. Another room, amazingly cramped, barriers of wood on all four sides. But also within those barriers was another tribute.


Before he fully understood what he was doing, he'd thrown his body at Fremont, pinning the groggy tribute to the splintered ground beneath him. You put me here! Arched arm. Bent elbow. Slamming a fist down. It met Fremont's jaw, snapping his head to the side. This was all he needed to wake up, and he broke into defense, rearing his knee up into Aikin's groin.

Shears of pain blasted Aikin in the nether region, and he tossed himself off Fremont's body - who was scrambling backwards on his hands - and let out a groan, reaching down to prevent further pain. Oh god, there goes my chance at ever having children if I get out of this.

A weight crashed into Aikin's chest, knocking him against the wall. Fist after fist pummeled his torso. He was defenseless. Panic flooded him, wrestling any hope of thinking a way out away from him. Where's Gwen? Theo? Theo! Aikin managed to raise his arm, shoving Fremont away for only a moment to escape to the other side of the room, body held in a defensive stance. "Where did you take Gwenith?" he demanded, straining to make his voice as loud as it was. It had never been that loud before, never.

Fremont eyed him with confusion, also defensive. "I did nothing. I woke up here confused, same as you."

"They were here when I fell asleep. Now, you're in their place. Where is Theo?!" Indifferent, not, indifferent, not; which am I? What if he killed them?!

Aikin huffed through his nose, as if breathing steam through his nostrils, like the carnivorous horses he'd once fought. He leapt off his back foot, flinging himself at Fremont, fingers wrapping around the boy's throat and slamming him against the wall. "If you killed them you'll be worse than dead!" Spittle flew from Aikin's mouth as he screamed.

An intercom crackled to life. Aikin only ceased his hold when a voice sounded.

"Hello tributes! As you may know by now, I changed the arena up a little. However, I can't tell you details about that." A pause, and Aikin caught himself baring his teeth at the boy. "But I can tell you that there's going to be a Feast. There, you'll find something you desperately need."

"I just want Gwen and Theo back, damn it!" I'm going to snap. No, I'm indifferent. I have to be.

The voice chuckled before adding, "Oh, and don't get rid of your partner, you might need their help later."

Aikin's fingers unlatched from Fremont's neck immediately, and he took two daunting steps back. "Fuck," he whispered, still breathing heavily. He shot a commanding finger at Fremont, brows angled in rage. "You just earned a few extra hours. But when that's up, we're splitting."

Fremont nodded warily, rubbing his throat and heading to a door. Aikin ran a scarred hand over his tired face. He quickly found his tomahawk and gripped it like a lifeline. The packs were gone, but a small book remained. He didn't bother to check it before pocketing it, too dumbstruck by his own rushing thoughts and actions. It was mechanical how he did everything, how quickly it passed. I've never talked that much in my whole life. Jesus. He followed Fremont into endless corridors of wood, no doors. But Aikin never really processed it, only followed mindlessly.

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