Tequila Baudry [Form & Entries]

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GAMES - Author Games: The Price of Power 

Name: Tequila Baudry

Age: 32

Sex: Female

Nationality: French

Appearance: Tequila is, by definition, beautiful (/byo͞odəfəl/ adjective; pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically). She's simply got the face for it, the genes, and fortunate ones at that, ones that lift her cheekbones and smooth her skin a pale olive. Her shoulders are strong, her arms, muscular, and her body, curved comfortably. Lips settle plump, often lipsticked, while eyes stay some rustic shade of brown, typically done up around the edges with flattering but subtle hues of paint. She's most proud of her hair, however, the result of many strenuous years of growing and maintaining so that it stays its rich black color, ending at the bottom of her ribcage. Nonetheless, she's still thirty-something (though you shouldn't even ask, swine) and the skin of her face has begun the process of sagging, though hardly noticeable unless you're really desperate for flaws.

Personality: Tequila is, by definition, unperturbed (/ənpərˈtərbd/ adjective; not perturbed or concerned). Satisfaction is the basis for this; anxiety hardly meets her, and she sees no need to get upset over the little things (or anything, really). She's achieved all this through a long process of go-getting that hasn't slowed in the slightest - a family habit, if you will. Family habit also dictates that she be intelligent, and intelligent she is. She has to be for the whole matter of her life. This knowledge of hers, however, has given her the means to get a little nasty when she wants to be, and she often gets away with it due to the sharpness of her tongue. She thrives on popping the big egos of little men, and to leave a less insightful individual at a loss for words brings her great joy. Free of spirit, some call it. Others call it bitchy; oh woe! It hardly matters. Sometimes, though, someone talks back, and when that happens, her temper may wish to light (which, frankly, confuses the hell out of others when she breaks into aggressive French). ho

Powers: Tequila is, by definition, freakish (/frēkiSH/ adjective; bizarre or grotesque; abnormal). See, despite the eccentric normality of her appearance and the common nature of her personality, those gifts given to her are quite the opposite. There's this thing, this wonderful, wonderful thing she can do with life: she can share it. This share, however, goes only to the rotten, to the monstrous, and, in some cases, to something of her creation so abnormal as to never be able to function, mentally or physically, in the real world. She makes monsters through this gift of life, another mild gift of electricity, and pure science (though what she does here seems to defy all rules of such a thing). Long story short, she pulls a Frankenstein every now and then.

She is limited, however, just like any other. She can take full control of these monsters and run amok, seeing through their eyes, but she will be completely immobile during these instances, and if the monster is injured, she will receive the same injury in the same place and of the same caliber even if she's miles upon miles away. Additionally, she finds it quite difficult to use her monsters in any situation - humans tend to shoot what they are afraid of.

Background: Tequila is, by definition, privileged (/priv(ə)lijd/ adjective; having special rights, advantages, or immunities). Born into a middle-class family of parents who had a penchant for alcoholic beverages, she, her sister Margarita, and older brother Payne (short for Champagne, nicknamed "Champ") lived an easy life, focusing primarily on their studies and the like. The siblings, however, close in age, found competitive spirit in academia, and Tequila constantly fought to stay on top. She was always best in science, which was more beneficial to her than it was to the others; this, primarily, attributes to her overall success. That, and her degree in business, which helped launch a long-awaited career. Many benefits came along (with the support of her parents, of course) until she'd managed to take off with her own company, the growing and selling of cannabis, now legalized for professional corporations only. She's accrued a sizable wealth. It was an easier start than most, too - when you're employing monsters in the underground you don't have to pay them. Now Margarita has started to branch out with marketing on her own while Payne sticks by Tequila's side to help her with the monsters in the basement.

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