Task 6 - Sweet Nectar (RQ)

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Reed found it awfully strange how he found a rose in full bloom underground, and out of a crack in the wall no less. Even stranger, the sweetest of aromas was wafting from the petals, the thorns, and he couldn't help but be distracted from his search for Steve. The older boy had been gone an awfully long time and, growing bored of staring at a wall and wiping away the blood from his arrows, he'd gone out to find him. And he'd better show up soon, because this flower looks far more promising in terms of company than the spider monkey.

Skipping along his way, he pushed the sweetness tickling his nose out of his mind, setting his focus aside solely to finding Steve. He wasn't worried, for the man could take care of himself just fine. If he was worried about anything, it would be for himself. Loneliness was boring, and when Reed was bored, he discovered that he ended up doing reckless things. For example, going out in a cave of mazes armed with only a bow and a few arrows, completely on his own, in search of Steve's lighthearted jokes and their warming conversations.

Reed had never known such a person that would take the time out of their day just to speak to him. No commands, no orders. Just talking.

For once, he wasn't a burdensome king, if even a king at all. Kings pushed people out, had guards cut the heads of potential friends off, sent lambs to the slaughter. Now, as Reed thought about it, ruling wasn't as glorious as it was all cracked out to be. Y'know, maybe there don't have to be peasants. I've been thinking that a democracy would be a better choice. Everyone gets a say, no one is shoved out. Getting shoved out royally sucks. He kicked at a few pebbles, smiling as they skidded along the rough ground. We're all the same. We're all stuck here - anyone can be king at this point. Filled with a sudden sense of excitement, he bounced on his heels, squealing lightly and taking off. I have to find Steve and tell him he's been promoted!

His shoes squeaked and landed in puddles, wetting the fringe of his pants. He cared not, too filled with adrenaline and expectation to care. He's going to love it. He'll have a couple awesome jokes, too, and it'll be like he never left.

His chest was alight with a rush, his mind too dead-set on what he would say and how he would say it to notice the flowers peeking from the cracks. Two roses appeared for each one he passed, and soon he was forced to give the walls a passing glance. Vines crawled towards him, thorns keeping them caught to the wall, creating a trellis of their own. Eventually the wall wasn't even visible anymore, covered entirely in the crimson petals. He furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched his nose. Spider monkey, what did you do?

There came a point where he wished to remove his gaze from the wall, but it was like his eyes were glued to the image, and nothing he could do could break the hold it had on him. The smell coming free of the flowers had wrapped its fingers around him and squeezed. His lungs felt crushed inside of him, his veins felt as though the circulation was being cut off. But there was nothing he could do about it except let it do what it had to do until this was all over. And it had to be over eventually - no one could just kill him off with a flower. That'd be pretty pathetic. What warrior dies at the hand of a flower?

However, he had to admit there was something soothing about the smell. His eyes fell, his head drooped, and he snapped it back up, trying desperately to keep awake. No, I need to find Steve... But, his small body couldn't take it, and soon he was slumped against the wall, breathing slowly, his eyes closed tight as he quickly fell into a deep sleep.


The explosion of trumpet's in his ear is what awoke him, and he found that the jagged rock walls had been smoothed over into brick, and the corridor in which he fell asleep had expanded to a room the size of ten stages. Reed swung his arms out, prepared to punch and bite at whoever was threatening him in such a way. "C'mon, come at me, I'll chew your nose off! I almost did it once, and I'll do it again!" Already, he was bouncing at the prospect of battle, at the idea of having something to show off to Steve once he found him. The spider monkey will be proud!

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