Reuben 13 [Form]

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GAMES - Writer Games: Winter Revolution

Name: Reuben-13

Gender: Male

Age: 57

Appearance: It takes no level of squinting to see the deep-set lines in Reuben's face, and it's often the first thing people take note of when they first see him - "yes, he's our elder, we must offer respect, we must offer our assistance, he is frail, he is..." He's used to the way his grey hairs are muttered over when the youth bump into his broad frame. They're not really all that much, though, are they? Entwined between plenty of thick black curls, they shouldn't think him that old, right? The dusts of it in his brows and the hairs on his jaw do show, though, very much, very much. Well, if he can pride himself on anything, it's his face, smoothed with dark and picking up every toss of shadow and light from cheek to cheek. And he's not exactly the uninviting grump, what with those large brown eyes of his and the smile he tends to show off - all of his teeth are still stuck in tight. The mix of seriousness and welcoming in his face tends to give way to something wilder than him.

Personality: It's a standardized routine, those day-to-day things, and it seems that he's just come to adapt to that sort of thing. His demeanor is practiced so as not to cause trouble, and his behaviorisms are adapted so as not to cause irritation. It's the same thing every day - to be polite, to be kind, and to be quiet are plenty good in their own rights, but it gets awfully boring, and he's never been one to give petty compliments, really. He deems it forbidden to think of anything other than what's realistic, to plan things that are anything other than logical, and whenever he catches himself drifting into those thoughts he straightens himself out again. That's not to say he doesn't enjoy it. Rationality, much like routine, doesn't catch his interest like he wants it to. Reuben, in general, has never really been let loose in his life, and as it nears an end, he's on the verge of falling to his knees and begging for someone to bust those chains binding him to consistency. What were to happen if his prayers were answered, though, he's got absolutely no idea.

History: Life has had its ups and downs, but rather than bounce off of that like some sensitive subject, Reuben likes to dive straight in, no avoidance, and no cushions to soften the plunge. Childhood was tough, to say the least, what with never having enough food on the table for everyone. His mother had always had a much larger influence on his life, especially after the air had given his pa quite the lung disease. When he stopped being able to work so hard, the living got harder, and when he passed as expected from the same issue, it was near impossible. His siblings grew to work, there being four others and all, and they managed to pick themselves up. Two others were lost before he'd even hit adulthood, one from an accident in the workplace, and one from a heart problem similar to his own. He grew on to leave his remaining family, working as a mediocre architect before moving on to an equally mediocre medical career - he taps a knee, stitches an arm, but other than that, there's not much else he can do. If someone comes in with a missing extremity or a gash too big, he's supposed to turn them away.

He does not like it.

Family: Well, considering his wife's dead and one of his two children have followed suit, he hasn't got much other than the grandchild placed under his care from the aforementioned dead child. He's this small thing, rather scrawny at the age of fifteen, and looks nothing like Reuben aside from those buggish brown eyes. His name is Lowell, but his grandfather insists on calling him Sauerkraut. It's still taking a lot to warm up to the kid.

Skills: Reuben would like to call himself intelligent beyond his years, for he knows just a bit more than the average schmuck out there, but then again, there's not much to know in general. He's also managed to keep up with his body, not letting it crumble into decay, but making sure he keeps the blood in his body flowing and muscles at a decent enough size to carry and push and run. Another thing is that, when taken out of his comfort zone, he can get rather unpredictable, and though this isn't the best for him, it's even worse for anyone that doesn't truly know him.

Weaknesses: Though he does keep up with himself, he's still not at his peak, waking up with aches in his bones and cracks in his back. He's never really stepped out of his current self, either, so he doesn't know whether he'd be the sort to lead or follow - he'd be confused. Additionally, he's got a bit of a heart problem, and though it hasn't bothered him as of late, there's still the chance it'll come back.

Token: He keeps his wedding ring on him, for it's his most valuable item both literally and sentimentally. 

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