Task 2 - The Maze of Death (AR)

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If Aikin knew anything about this twisted game, it was that the arena was always daunting, always massive, always dangerous. But as he turned around and around on his tiny pedestal, he found that at least one of these statements was false. From what I can see.

The room, made entirely of polished oak excluding the floor, was huge, but compared to the typical arena, it was incredibly small. For a moment, he thought he felt a sliver of fear slipping into his bloodstream. We'll all have to fight it out in this room, won't we? But as he looked more intently, he saw that several doors were set into the walls, which probably led to different sectors of the arena. He let out a sigh of relief. I have more of a chance this way.

He directed his sights to the Cornucopia. It was wooden, lit by torches alone much like the rest of the arena, and weapons lined racks hiding deep inside. Backpacks were littered around the perimeter, along with a few small, glinting objects that he couldn't quite see...They were metallic, he knew that. I'll have to see what it is later. I'll get a weapon, maybe a bag, and then I'll head out on my own through those doors--

Aikin's heart sank as he remembered two specific tributes he had decided to befriend during this mass-killing. He scanned the circle of tributes surrounding the Cornucopia, raising his brows at the ones that were poised to run to the center, mostly Careers; he gave a piteous frown to those that were trembling in their places, seemingly torn between running away and going for the gold.

I'll be going for the gold if they don't. He shrugged. More for me.

Then his eyes fell on a girl's face, brown waves tied up in a tight bun on her head. Her features were sharp, and her eyes fell on Aikin. No, not on him, something beside him. He glanced to the side, to see Theo giving her the same look back. Almost the same look--his was less confident, more unsure. A pebble landed in the bottom of Aikin's stomach, and he frowned. Theo was the kind of tribute that would receive a piteous frown from him. The kid didn't deserve to be here. That's what he was, only a kid. And despite how much he denied it, Aikin felt sorry for the boy.

No, I'm indifferent. He directed his gaze back at the Cornucopia. I'm indifferent. His features grew less alarmed, less surprised the longer he stood there, waiting for the countdown to finish up. Don't let them see you. Don't let them see through you.

The gong rang out, and Aikin became one person in a sea of others headed for the same destination. He had joined in to form a tsunami, and although they moved as one now, they would become separate waves within seconds, and they'd be splashing each other for dominance over one another until only a sole wave remained.

But by then, the wave would be reduced to nothing but a pathetic puddle on the ground, tainted red.

His feet slammed against the slick, shining ground, joined by dozens of others either far behind him, far ahead of him, or directly by his side. He counted as each tribute made it to Corn, taking what they wished and heading off to begin the bloodshed. There would be a lot of it, that he knew, with this enclosed space, with nowhere to hide. He wouldn't be any exception to this, he realized. I'm just as susceptible to death as anyone else in here right now.

He had made it within a safe distance of the Cornucopia, but kept running, pushing himself forward, forcing the burn into his legs as he surpassed the others. But I'm strong. I'm fast. I can make it far if I try. If I'm indifferent.

Glancing to the side, he examined the tribute beside him. A small girl, young, only a child. But she was fast too, surprisingly so. How was she keeping pace with someone as tall as himself? If he wasn't so stubborn, he might've admitted that he was impressed, that he thought she could possible go home as victor.

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