Task 5 ♟ Darkening Shades [FSC]

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There was a special sort of art, Florian thought, in being charitable. He'd grown up giving without expecting a return, being raised up with all those values Candidus required. It was simply a human thing of him to do, to give what he truly didn't need away. It was also simply a human thing, however, to keep things one truly didn't need; this he'd seen most strongly in his first days of claiming residence in Sarcelle. It was all about the self in a sector based upon nothing more than mature entertainment - very few times had Florian seen moments of pure, unadulterated charity. He sometimes wondered how he'd tested for the place. Then he'd remember that he, too, often grew selfish.

Likewise, he was selfish with his attentions and where he placed them in place of planning.

The television situated on the kitchen wall was an enigma in and of itself for the sole reason of being in the kitchen. Nonetheless, he found himself leaning an elbow against the counter as he bit into a stray apple, watching, waiting. The news was quite redundant with the whole "we must stop the perpetrators" and "these people are dangerous" thing. 'Course, there was always the occasional interruption of weather - heavy showers for that day in particular. The animal shelter was starting to overflow and they were promoting it with the clever usage of puppy dog eyes. A local vender from the streets of Jaune had gone missing.

The usual redundancies.

The skin of Florian's apple was met with a heavy sigh, and he thought it the perfect time to start a dramatic series of lamenting when a redundancy fell to something different, to a change. The screen buzzed, then proceeded onto new footage, one of a particularly lavish woman that had become the face of their efforts.

The cluster of planning fell to a hush as everyone turned around the backs of their seats to see what is was that was about to be said. Florian bristled as he had before, but this time, there was a trace of discomfort with the way this woman looked so warm against the stormclouds behind her. He knew her to be merciless, yet she looked nothing of the sort.

She smiled.

"I wish all of the United Sectors of Argyris a good morning, and I apologize for interrupting the morning spiels, but I find this to be an issue that takes precedence over all else. No, this is not to bring anything to the common person's knowledge, but a direct statement to those planning attacks against this country of ours."

-attacks against this country of yours and yours only.

"Nixes, I am fully aware that you're plotting an overthrow. Please remember how we've taken down over half of your force, and that we know each and every one of those remaining. That being said, we also know of all the relevant information pertaining to each individual, as well as those in association with you rebels separately, including family and loved ones. Telling you this is not meant to threaten you. I'd merely like to negotiate. A trade, if you will."

His nails dug into the counter, and the skin stretched over his knuckles grew stark white.

The blonde woman onscreen picked up where she'd left off, all placid in the face. "I'm offering you all a choice. One: you can turn yourselves in immediately after this broadcast ends and be charged with treason. This will leave your family unharmed, unmarred - we won't bother them. Two-" Her features picked up an unnerving level of strength. "-You can continue fighting alongside the Nixes and give us full right to arrest our individual of choice and do what we may with them to wheedle out your possible whereabouts." The sharpness in her face fell away as her sentence did, instead replaced with another grin, one lacking hostility. "You all have twelve hours to make a decision. Thank you, and may the rest of you have a lovely day, despite the rain."

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