Reed Quillearoy [Tribute Form]

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GAME TITLE- Author Games: Vengeance

NAME: Reed Quillearoy


AGE: 12


PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Reed is a short, scrawny boy, still getting used to the hardships of his district. Many scars line his arms, legs, and face from constantly being snagged by branches and other adventurous shenanigans. His hair is an orangish-light brown color, and it's kept moderately short to keep it out of his honey-colored eyes. Although he's twelve, there's something about his face that makes him look far younger, and this often leads to confusion.

PERSONALITY: Reed is content. There's not much he wants in the world, other than excitement, an adventure to embark on. Yes, he is content, but he's also bored out of his mind half the time. So, he either daydreams about wondrous escapes from knights and monsters, or goes out to find fun in the trees. He's a very imaginative boy, and will trust whoever places their own trust in him. Although he's small and looks young, there have been moments where he's taken control of a situation--usually to prevent the bullying of others.

PAST: His life, for the most part, has been rather uneventful. He has two loving parents who treat him like he's their world (although scoldings are common from his misadventures), and an older sister that is always either furthering her education, or bringing home extra money from assisting the district medic (they're usually somewhere in the forest repairing the wood-cutters, whether it's tending a broken leg or patching up a chopped off finger). Reed often follows his sister and watches her work.

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Just give him a stick, and he'll find something to do with it. Although, a bow and arrow would be nice.

STRENGTHS: Because of his constant "adventures," he is skilled at climbing. Also, he has picked up on some of his sister's medical tricks. He can identify specific plant life, and could almost always tell you what track belongs to what animal.

WEAKNESSES: He has short legs, so naturally he's not the fastest runner around. He will spend too much time thinking on one thing, and this oftentimes ends in him giving up because he's too indecisive. Tributes may see him as a target because of his physical weakness. He's also not very intelligent, aside from a few specific topics.



"The innocence is quite sweet when it comes to you. Little boys and girls all over, running amongst in the games. It's the devious creatures like you that weave their way in our people's hearts. Good luck Reed." -Wisteria Wiles, Host


I said I wouldn't do this again, but here Thomas Sangster is again, I'm sorry people of the world, eh.
Ya gotta admit he's kind of adorable as a fetus though, I mean c'mon.

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