Task 2 ☀ All Roads [AP]

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Of ancient lore, Iapetus was the titan of morality; it was this titan Auda regarded, for on a stitching he'd remembered from home, those words of retaining balance between right and wrong had dictated his every move. The first moment he'd garnered an inkling of understanding within small things, those words had been hammered into him - "do not do that, Auda," or, "this is what you should be doing, Perym."

Auda had taken weeks believing that he'd been doing what should've been done, but that cranking scratch of his pedestal rising among the dirt brought with it a sense of doubt. Momma'd put her faith in Helios for a few short seconds, and she would've wanted him there in Auda's place, he knew. It wasn't like he was any less qualified though, was he? He was just as strong, if not more, and had the same amount of training, if not more.

Auda was ready. He shook his ankles, his wrists. He was strong and he was ready. Not even the blood red columns in the center could break his resolve, for if Helios called him smart, it must've been true, and if he was smart he could do anything. Auntie Easton'd always said that last bit. Not to him directly, but close enough.

He was ready.

So help him, Iapetus.

Gone went his feet at the sound of the gong, a ringing sensation that stuck with him through every pound of a sole against dust. He barely knew a thing of his surroundings, but it mattered little if he already knew where to go. His eyes were too frenzied and his chest was too pressured to do anything but run. That pressure bubbled up and he accidentally launched himself into a hop that only made it rise. Giddiness, he called it. A manly squeal fell out of him.

Outlines filled the corners of his eyes and he made it a game in and of itself to keep them out of his peripheral. He wasn't very good, but that didn't make him any less than the others, no, not at all. If anything it gave him reason to think himself better than he actually was, if only for the ego boost. He even grabbed hold of a column upon his arrival, hooking his arm loosely around it as he swung himself forward.

He whooped; he laughed; he landed.

Others busied about the center, either picking or snatching with no in-between. He knew the drill of things and so he stood unworried. This is serious, Isla would've said, wipe the smile off. And so he pressed a finger to his lip and stared intently at his options despite the bob in his knee and the excited shake in his hands. He had to stifle a grin to keep himself from flinching at his sister's impending smack. It was wrong to smile when he had decisions to make.

He set his mind to work. Four would handle supplies, they'd dibbed it, but what of him and his weapons? Wyld would've nudged him towards the ropes, but Isla would've directed him to the teensy knives, the ones that fit all snug-like. Helios could've convinced him to take the trident, but Momma woulda shaken her head and handed him a sword. Papa was irrelevant.

Now, what did he want?

Well, he didn't rightly know, and so indecisive was he that he didn't even notice when the lot of Two came for him. Quill rode up easily, smacking against Auda's shoulder as he leant in and said, very swiftly, "Two's taking range." Another friendly pat on the shoulder-blade and he'd already taken off at a confident stride, a bow hooked to his palm and a quiver strapped to his back. Auda glanced after him to find a flash of dried blood, a small, exuberant body running to keep pace. Flo's knives clicked heavily at her hip.

Auda brightened and tried waving after her in hopes she'd see. She didn't.

Kids were great, weren't they?

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