Task 5 - Until Dawn (BM)

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A/N: Ohhhh man. The word count. I apologize, yikes. Now: this task was based upon the game, 'Until Dawn' which, I think, was really freakin' awesome (it's a horror game based on horror clichés). Beautiful game, fun. I attached a video of all the Dr. Hill sessions; a few of the lines were used in this entry if you'd like to take a listen (Warning, spoilers). Other than that, uh, enjoy? Maybe?


The cold of the arena had gone from simply chilling, to biting, like the jaws of a great beast clamping down on them, icicles for teeth, the breath frosting the tributes clothes and hair. Beckett pulled his jacket closer to his body, but it did nothing to get rid of his constant shivers. His lips quivered against each other, teeth chattering. He ground them together. These Gamemakers are really, really pushing us here. It's a miracle no cannons have gone off yet.

In front of him, Bellona and Anastasia fared just as well as he did, slumped over. Puffs of mist blew through their nostrils in resemblance of something like cigar smoke, or a dragon that had extinguished her flame. Beckett almost chuckled. It's a miracle I can still think of such fantastical things. Actually, a dragon wouldn't be too bad right about now. Mind tossing one of those at us, hm? He looked to the sky, expecting an answer. Of course, he didn't receive one. He never would. Scoffing, he shook his head. We're just chunks of walking meat to them, anyway.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

All three heads snapped up, locking on the image of a square package floating down to them. Beckett stood, two arms held high, waiting for the sponsorship parachute to land safely in his fingers. When it did, he checked the tag.

Anastasia gave a tight-lipped smile. "Of course it's for you." Beckett raised an eyebrow, glancing from the package to her. He held it out and she shook her head. "No, it's all yours. Open it."

"If you won't do it, I will." Bellona ripped it from his hands and shred the packaging away. Soon she held a white piece of fabric in front of her, eyeing it with confusion. "What is this? A shirt?" She tilted her head. "What are all these buckles for?"

Beckett took the clothing in his hands, fingering the buckles gingerly. What the hell is this thing? He flipped it over, and something in his peripheral vision fluttered out of it. Bending over, he picked it up and read the contents of the note:

"I understand these games hold true to their word of being tough, for that I'm giving you a piece of mental relief. A sanitarium, as you may know, is home to those with long term illnesses. Within this package, you'll be receiving a straitjacket type lining which is thick and strong enough to withhold the..." The remaining words were smudged out, leaving Beckett to wonder what exactly it was for. 

Anastasia had been reading over his shoulder like a child too curious for their own good. "What's a 'sanitarium?' Weren't those used for insane people way back when?"

Beckett shrugged. He certainly didn't have a clue. Won't know what it does until I put it on. Here goes nothing...

There was a slit down the entire back of the jacket, but it was a smooth cut, not like someone had accidentally torn it or anything. On either side of the slit, there were buckles and belts. He ran a finger over one of the buckles and flinched back at the burning cold of the metal. Maybe it's for warmth...

He eagerly slipped his arms through the sleeves, expecting his hands to come out the other side. It was like the sleeves had been sewn shut. What good is this?

Bellona seemed to read his mind and grabbed hold of one of the buckles. "Don't worry, we'll keep watch while you keep warm. Every so often we can switch, too, so we don't die of hypothermia or something."

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