Final Note on Corradhin Cole

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5th place - Semifinalist

Well, this was a giant mosh pit of hell, now wasn't it? I'm not even sure how I should feel about this character. On the one hand, I hate him with every fiber of my being because he did everything that I didn't want him to do - and on the other, I feel like he's gaining on Beckett in the whole favoritism sector. I don't know, I just don't know, and that is frustrating, and it makes both my love and hatred boost just because of it. Not to mention the extreme hype behind him before any of this started.

I still laugh at how everyone flipped their shit at me when they all realized he was a Cole. It was glorious. Yeah...I've got another trick up my sleeve. I'm just full of 'em.

I've added that image of Corradhin above before writing all of this and all I can do is look at his face like HOO BOY. It took me about five minutes to notice the rat on his shoulder and I died. Anyways, here is the official death he was given in Vengeance.

District 4 Male - Corradhin Cole

"Everyone fell in love with this boy from the very beginning with his vengeful chance at redeeming a lost soul. After the epic return in battle from the clan of district four into the arena, many hoped to see him expand past the internal barrier that had Beckett reeling. Although, the games still hold true to their sacred evil that both Wisteria and now Cadelon had spent months perfecting. There was no time for crafts or monologues as they dove straight into the action. Well, until they met their fate of Corradhin. Through love, tears, and disabled tasks, he met his end. He was consumed by the arena, and his bones will be used to mark the grounds."

Okay so now that I've read over that death, I found a few sentences hard to follow, but that's okay. Lost with the crafts and monologues bit, but that's okay.

Onto my ranting. I am so, extremely conflicted about Corradhin. He turned out nothing like I hoped, especially in the beginning. The last few tasks followed the plan I'd come up with, which is why I enjoyed those way more, but the first few tasks completely skipped the anger I wanted him to have.

That was where I first messed up. Task One was amazing, I loved it, I loved the veins, everything. It all came around full circle with the pulse and all that, so I think I enjoyed that the most. He was beyond pissed. Then, Bloodbath came around, I focused more on the action than anything. I was told to give him more originality and I unintentionally skipped out on his anger from then on.

So yeah, there's that. I also didn't want Beckett to be included as much in those last three tasks, since I didn't want his reasoning for being there to be solely getting revenge, I wanted something else, and I dabbled in that a bit, but with the way the tasks requirements was inevitable.

I'm not complaining, I loved the tasks, they were brilliant.

The more I wrote him, the more frustrated I got. A few of the tasks I was actually a little proud of, but didn't score nearly as well on those ones. And then, Task Five rolled around, and I started getting attached.

I got way too attached to a character I should be hating. So, naturally, when I saw he died, the waterworks started up - and that confuses me even more, because I've never cried over the death of a character before. Never. Maybe writing them, but never just seeing that. This lil bean is just full of surprises, ain't he?

Being my first tribute to die before the finals, and also coming out with some of my lowest scores, I'm not too sure why I like him. But I do. Maybe it's his name. Maybe it's his face. Maybe it's just him.

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