Task 2 ∞ Wall-E Trash Box (MADAME)

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Yellow had always been a color set aside for Sequoia's nastier tastes in life. 

Now, let it be known that most humans, despite what may glisten off of them towards the public eye, always have some degree of personal mentalities and physicalities. These are the things they show no one. These are the things that are assumed, but never observed.

But now - in this sweltering heat, in the ebb and flow of pushed dust - everything was up for observation. Without her consent, nonetheless; had she studied alongside her gracious daughter for many a year, and though she was never fond of the experimentation aspect of these sociological perspectives, she was certain that this, in some way or another, was a means for research, for they were observed, their behaviors marked down and hypothesized.

She might've brought it up to the lawful courts of Panem, had it not been done before her time already.

It was far too late for argument now anyhow, far too jaded for debate. This yellow that kept nagging at her feet, blowing up over the pedestal and brushing through the cracks in her shoes, it was a rotten yellow, stained by nearby vegetation and the fluids of jungle creatures.

She sniffed and subsequently crinkled her nose. Not just at the ground beneath her, though; she raised this nose at the surrounding tributes, too. The variety of same and same and same was astounding. About half of them were cool, composed in the same manner she was - like that Violante girl with the bovine features, and the wrinkled little prune, Cadette. Sequoia resolved to leave the both of them alone, for she had not yet resigned herself to death, and she'd always been brought up to treat her elders with respect.

Not killing them was respect enough.

As for the other half - an overwhelmingly large half, nearly all of them struck with the youthful glow of twenty-some triggered souls. They shook and they rattled, trembling so vehemently it seemed as though they'd vibrate themselves right off the plates and into the sand before the countdown could reach its end.

That was how she knew she wouldn't die there, not on that day, and not on those grounds.

So easily did she detach herself from her pedestal of platinum and silver, so easily did she traverse the earth on which she walked, and so easily did she grab up a knife and delve into the battle that'd followed her all the way over there.

Like bacon on a pan she fried those bitches - with her eyes, not actual fire, that's like, not her trademark. And swish and slash, she had people by the necks and in the chests between the ribs and all that good shit, ya feel ya feel.

Mockery - she was hella good at that, now, yes she was, mocking left and right these little Career hoes that thought they were top shit. Sure, they might've literally killed off half of their own arenas, but that was a slight, irrelevant detail. Sequoia had nice hair and killer moves, so obviously, she had the upper hand here.

Upper hand indeed, when she took to Kai from the bottom of his sternum and stab c'mon man just write the death and you'll be good the requirements aren't even hard why are you like this just slather 'em up in grease and slap 'em on the stove dude like sizzle sizzle eggs, maybe scramble 'em up a little, I don't fucking know, if you gotta throw a toaster at one of them then do it just end this entry and make sure you delete this trash from like two hundred words up okay because you are a little box of trash from Wall-E's trash box stomach okay he shoved you in and popped you out and now you spread his little cockroach fury like okay we get it bugs are dystopian but couldn't you have befriended a bee or a centipede or something cool like that like why a nasty ass cockroach what's even the point of that man like this ain't no episode of hoarders which by the way is a pretty interesting show almost more interesting than wife swap because these people just won't let go of their law books even when they're an unemployed optometrist and then the garbage Wall-E people are like okay we need to throw out your law books and then the unemployed optometrist screams and chains themselves to those books metaphorically (even though there's probably chains somewhere in that pile) and then the garbage men are walking around all stressed out like "god damn this woman she won't let us take her god damn cockroach lookin' ass law books like" and then the show ends with false happiness when you know the problem ain't really solved they just wanted it to end on a happy note so that the viewer leaves satisfied knowing that they aren't pullin' a Wall-E and stacking trash boxes up to the walls but guess again I am that trash box and I am a real and serious issue all because Sequoia is a stubborn side hoe even though her name is cool as shit and she's actually got genuine potential as a character but no instead she makes me write things like this like sizzle sizzle eggs and cockroach and hoarders and just i'm a piece of trash wall-e will pick me up in his little square ass stomach and make me a square then i will be a part of a trash building because i'm a god damn square of trash 

~ ~ ~ 

SCORE - 7.5

Notes 1 - "Until near the end, you actually had a nice entry. There wasn't improvement, and you did worse, but I think you could continue on more so don't do this again, okay?" 

Notes 2 - "What you had seriously was good, as was your first. I realize that you ran out of time, but I was disappointed." 

RANK - 14th

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