Carrick Stray [Tribute Form]

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GAMES - The Truth Comes Second

NAME - Carrick Stray

AGE - 17


DISTRICT - Seven; Lumber

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION - With a defined facial structure and tall, built stature, he seems to give off an air of confidence simply standing around and staring off into space. His skin is fair, slightly reddened by hours of work in the sun. Dark brows sit comfortably above a pair of sea-blue eyes that always dart to and fro. His hair ranges somewhere between short and long, dark brown and often left in an unruly state when he finds no use in doing anything with himself for a day's work. To sum him up in two words: he's a pretty boy.

PERSONALITY - Though he may put himself out there in an intimidating fashion, usually without the intention of doing so, once you strike up conversation with him he hops right into bright sociality, always light, always airy. Carrick is what some may call overly optimistic, possibly to the point of being described as, what one person once called him, "a poor, innocent soul." He'll do his best to shove away all negativity to himself and those around him, and has claimed that he'd take a bullet for his friends if need be. This isn't to say he's constantly yapping away to those around him - he usually won't speak unless spoken to, and despite his welcoming demeanor, he's often hiding a sense of discomfort when stuck in most social situations.

PAST - Since a very young age, Carrick has been involved in the hard work that his district demands of all inhabitants. His family consists of a caring mother, a loving father, and two younger twins, a boy and a girl. He's always been extremely close to them, but recently he's taken a break from family time in order to put aside some time for other hobbies, such as frequent training with a small group that's been growing progressively over the months. Overall, things have been fairly easy on him. More than once, however, he's disappeared for days at a time doing who the hell knows what. He intends to return to his practices when he returns.

TRUTH OR LIE? - Carrick is strongly against lying - he simply strays from the full truth. Therefore, if he were to pick, he would say truth.

STRENGTHS - From year's of hard labor he's become muscular, built, whatever word you'd use to describe it. Because he was born and raised in the forests of Seven, he is exceptionally skilled at both climbing trees and has a keen sense of both direction and time - some of these things he's picked up solely from a close friend. He's also got the face that dozens of sponsors would be lining up for to keep alive, so, there's that.

WEAKNESSES - Seen as more of a weakness in the eyes of bystanders, Carrick is strongly loyal to those he decides to put all of his trust in. Additionally, he can't keep quiet to save his life, feet always thumping and shoulders always ramming into things. He's also not the smartest needle in the haystack - where he lacks in book smarts, he also lacks in common sense.

WEAPON OF CHOICE - Even though tributes from his district of origin are rarely seen with one, he'd go with a trident.


TOKEN - A rusty old key he wears on a ribbon round his neck, always tucked beneath his shirt.

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