Rolling With Rollie

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We move stealthily toward the lake, my heart pounding that we'll get caught... yet I'd be lying if I didn't admit this was exhilarating. We walk quickly until we reach the lake, Velv leading us alongside the bank of the water. I feel more relaxed now that we have some distance between us and the cabin, but my guard is still up.

We walk until we see a small fire, Fred's group already set up. I stay at the back of the group, nervous about being alone with these kids. Our group is wimpy in comparison, but maybe we can change that.

Fred notices us and stands up to greet us. Our groups greet each other, Velv sitting next to Fred. I quickly sit beside her, worried to be separated from her. The three of us share a log, while Carlos and Midori sit beside Rollie. Orchid and Kid Ritz take the last log, the two looking to be best friends.

A small radio plays music quietly, helping to ease my nerves even more. Rollie hands Velv and me a bottle to share, my nerves picking up as Velv holds it limply.

Fred: "Here, I'll open it for you. You can thank Rollie for the drinks. His parents own Raging River, and have a cabin stocked for themselves when they come to vacation here."

Rollie: "Honestly, they never come down here, and would have no idea if we took all the liquor. We have enough for the month if we ration."

I say nothing, watching as Velv has the bottle cracked open for her. She doesn't look at me, taking a confident swig. I can't imagine it tastes good, but she doesn't make a face.

She turns toward me, handing me the bottle. I take it, feeling unsure of what to do.

Kid Ritz: "You don't have to drink it."

His voice comes out soft and quiet, taking me by surprise.

Ven: "Sorry, just was... thinking about the last time I drank."

The boys in the group laugh, Velv's eyes burning a hole into my skull as I take a drink. She and I both know damn well I've never drank before, but I want to get these guys to think I'm at least a little bit cool.

Carlos: "You should tell us about it if you're okay with it. I know I've had some rough times."

He smiles encouragingly as I hand him the bottle, drinking from it like it has no effect on him.

Ven: "Oh, I can't even bring myself to think of it. Just know the night ended with me having to explain some photos in the morning."

The group laughs again, all except Velv. Wow, where did that come from? That lie came a little too easily for my liking.

Fred: "That sounds like a time I had back in sophomore year. I'll never forget it. I was..."

I tune him out, instead focusing on Kid Ritz and Orchid. They seem to know the story already, instead talking to each other quietly.

The group shares stories, Velv and I staying quiet until Midori starts talking.

Midori: "That was hilarious Fred! You know though, I was thinking we could have a little fun."

The group looks at her curiously, my heart picking up as I hear what she suggests.

Midori finishes our bottle, placing it onto the sand.

Midori: "Anyone up for spin the bottle?"

The group agrees excitedly, yet all I can focus on is how shaky my hands feel.

Midori: "I'll go first."

She confidently spins the bottle, the group watching as it lands on Fred.

Fred smiles as Midori bounces over, leans over, and kisses him on the lips. She giggles, walking away to sit back down next to Carlos. Looking at Rollie's face, he's trying not to show how upset the kiss made him, yet he's not that good at masking his emotions.

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