🌄🔆 Chapter 34 🔆🌄

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Aurelia woke, thinking it was morning, but the glow faded. Too much on her mind, she went to take a walk. When she reached the nearest staircase, she stopped upon seeing a familiar figure.

"Lady Liryn? What has you up so late?"

The courtier wore a hooded robe that glittered like the night sky. Even to bed she was not without a couple pieces of simple jewelry. "Miss Aurelia?" She smiled, looking drawn and tired. "Mm, thinking. I do my best work at night."

The human came down another few steps to meet her on the landing. "Oh, what are you thinking about?"

The lady sighed. "King Baltazar wants to see scrolls I know not how to find. Rumors of the lost Kahnrey heir are resurfacing as well that King Kaidan wants quieted." She chuckled ruefully. "I'd prefer a quiet mind."

"I'll keep you company then," Aurelia said quietly, offering a kind smile.

The tension did not leave Liryn's shoulders, but her own smile softened somewhat. "I should happily accept your offer this evening. ...Thank you."

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