chapter 1: Red and Neri's Clan Reunion

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As the sun rose in the sky, painting it with shades of orange and pink, Redentor felt his excitement grow as he headed towards the family reunion. With enthusiasm in his step, he went to the orchard at the village's edge, where ripe guavas and mangoes hung from the trees, ready to be picked.

With skillful hands, he chose the best fruits, imagining the joy in Nerissa's eyes when he gave her his carefully selected gifts. A smile played on his lips as he filled his basket with the sweet-smelling treasures of the orchard, feeling more excited with each passing moment.

"These mangoes and guavas are just perfect," Redentor (Red) said to himself, his voice filled with excitement. "Nerissa will be so happy when she sees what I've brought for her."

With his basket full of fruit and his heart brimming with anticipation, Red eagerly made his way to the reunion, looking forward to seeing his family and witnessing Nerissa's delight when she received his thoughtful presents

Agustin (Father): "Alright, team, we've got a lot to do to get ready for the family reunion. Claudine, Jaclyn, Carlo, let's divide and conquer. Claudine, can you handle setting up the tables and chairs outside?"

Claudine (Sister): "Sure thing, Dad. I'll make sure everything is arranged neatly and that we have enough seating for everyone."

Jaclyn (Sister): "I'll assist Mom and the cooks in the kitchen. We need to start cooking up a storm to feed this hungry bunch. Mom, do you have the ingredients ready?"

Marichu (Mother): "Yes, Jaclyn, everything's set. Let's start preparing the dishes. Carlo, can you help me with the barbecue grill? We need to get it fired up."

Carlo (Brother): " I'll make sure the grill is ready to go, and I'll keep an eye on the meat and veggies while they cook. We want them perfectly grilled for everyone."

Agustin: "And don't forget about the entertainment. We need to set up the videoke machine and make sure it's working smoothly. It wouldn't be a family reunion without some singing and laughter."

Marichu: "That's right, dear. I and Red will take care of the videoke machine. And let's not forget about the raffle draw. We've got some great prizes to give away."

Jaclyn: "I'll help with organizing the prizes for the raffle draw, Mom. We want to make sure everyone has a chance to win something special."

Agustin: "Excellent. Let's all work together to make this family reunion a memorable one. With everyone pitching in, I have no doubt it'll be a day to remember."


As the Valleverde family embarked on their journey from Koronadal City to Lake Sebu for their much-anticipated family reunion, Nerissa's (Neri) heart brimmed with excitement. Seated amidst her parents and siblings in the cozy confines of their vehicle, she couldn't contain the flutter of anticipation coursing through her veins.

With each passing mile, her thoughts drifted to Redentor, affectionately known as Red, her cherished childhood friend and second cousin. The mere mention of his name sent a rush of warmth through her, igniting a spark of joy within her heart. She eagerly anticipated their reunion, eager to share in the laughter and camaraderie they had once known.

But it wasn't just the prospect of seeing Red that filled Neri's heart with delight; it was the promise of guavas and mangoes he had made her. The memory of Red's mischievous grin as he vowed to bring her the sweetest fruits from his family's orchard brought a smile to her lips. She could almost taste the succulent flesh of the ripe mangoes and the tangy sweetness of the guavas, a tantalizing treat to savor in the warmth of their reunion.

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