chapter 28: guardian angels

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One rainy afternoon...

Red: sipping his coffee "You know, Neri, sometimes I still can't believe how far we've come."

Neri: smiling fondly "I know, Red. It's been quite a journey, hasn't it?"

Red: "Remember when we started that small construction business? We had nothing but a dream and determination."

Neri: "And everyone told us we were crazy, that we'd never make it. But we didn't let that stop us."

Red: "No, we didn't. We worked day and night, pouring our hearts and souls into our business."

Neri: "And then Tito Marco and Tita Xandra came along, offering us a chance to subcontract with their projects."

Red: "That was a turning point for us. Their support and guidance helped us grow into the successful company we are today."

Neri: "We'll always be grateful to them for believing in us when no one else did."

Red: "And look at us now. Our business is thriving, and we've become a name to reckon with in the industry."

Neri: "All those years of struggle and hard work were worth it. We've built something solid and stable, just like those big boulders we used to move."

Red: nodding "Success didn't come easy, but we never gave up. And now, here we are."

Red: "Tito Marco and Tita Xandra have been like guardian angels to us, haven't they?"

Neri: "We wouldn't be where we are today without their belief in us and their unwavering support."

Red: "They took a chance on us when no one else would. They saw our potential and allowed us to prove ourselves."

Neri: "And they've been there for us every step of the way, guiding us and helping us navigate the ups and downs of business."

Red: "It's incredible how they've built this empire yet remained so humble and down to earth."

Neri: "Yes, they may scream wealth, but their hearts are filled with kindness and generosity."

Red: "And they've never once made us feel indebted to them. They've always treated us like family."

Neri: "That's the thing about Tito Marco and Tita Xandra. They don't just believe in success for themselves; they want to uplift others along the way."

Red: "We owe so much to them, Neri. They've been our mentors, our champions, and our friends."

Neri: "Yes. And I hope one day we can pay it forward and make a difference in someone else's life, just like Tito Marco and Tita Xandra did for us."

Red: "Definitely, Neri. Their legacy of kindness and generosity is something we'll always strive to uphold."

As they reflected on the impact Marco and Xandra had made in their lives, Red and Neri felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and admiration. Their Tito and Tita's belief in them had not only helped them survive but had propelled them towards success. And as they looked towards the future, they knew that they would always carry the lessons of resilience, kindness, and generosity that Marco and Xandra had taught them.

Neri: "Cheers to success. To overcoming obstacles and proving the naysayers wrong."

Red: "Cheers! Here's to our journey, and to the bright future that lies ahead."

As they raised their coffee cups in a toast, Red and Neri reflected on their journey from humble beginnings to remarkable success. Theirs was a story of perseverance, resilience, and unwavering determination—a story that proved that with hard work and belief in oneself, anything was possible. And as they sat together, surrounded by the warmth of their love and the comfort of their achievements, they knew that the best was yet to come.

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