chapter 2: forever and always

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Red and his family welcome Neri and her family...

Red: "Neri, hey! It's so good to see you and your family here. Welcome to our family reunion!"

Neri: "Red! It's wonderful to see you too. Thank you for inviting us. We're thrilled to be here."

Red: "Come on, I have something special to show you. Let's head to the nipa hut at the back."

Neri: "Ooh, what is it? You've got me intrigued."

Red: "You'll see. It's a surprise. Trust me, you're going to love it."

Neri: "Alright, I'm curious now. Lead the way!"

Red: "This way."

As they made their way to the nipa hut, Red's excitement was palpable, and Neri couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation in her chest. What could Red possibly have in store for her? She followed him eagerly, her curiosity piqued.

Neri: "Red, what's all this?"

Red: "Surprise! I know how much you love mangoes and guavas, so I asked my mom to prepare these baskets just for you."

Neri: "Oh my goodness, Red! This is incredible. Thank you so much. You remembered!"

Red: "Of course, Neri. I promised you the sweetest fruits from our orchard, didn't I? Consider this my way of making good on that promise."

Neri: "You're amazing, Red. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Red: "Anything for you, Neri. Now, let's enjoy these fruits together, just like old times."

As they sat together amidst the baskets of mangoes and guavas, laughter and joy filled the air. In that moment, surrounded by the sweetness of their shared memories and the bounty of nature's gifts, Nerissa and Redentor knew that their love would always endure, despite the challenges they faced.

Neri: [Taking a bite of ripe guava] "Mmm, these guavas are delicious, Red. So sweet and juicy."

Red: [Nodding in agreement, mouth full of mango] "Yeah, and these mangoes are just perfect. Reminds me of the ones we used to sneak from the orchard when we were kids."

Neri: "Those were the days, huh? Seems like a lifetime ago."

Red: [Pausing, a hint of seriousness in his gaze] "Neri, can I ask you something?"

Neri: [Setting down her guava, sensing the shift in tone] "Of course, Red. What is it?"

Red: [Voice soft, eyes searching] "Do you ever wonder... what if things were different? If we didn't have to hide our feelings if society didn't judge us..."

Neri: [Meeting his gaze, her own eyes reflecting a mix of longing and uncertainty] "All the time, Red. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we didn't have to keep our love a secret if we could be together without fear of condemnation."

Red: [Reaching out to gently touch her hand] "I wish things were different, Neri. I wish we could just be free to love each other openly, without having to hide in the shadows."

Neri: [Squeezing his hand reassuringly] "Me too, Red. But for now, let's cherish these moments together. Let's savor the sweetness of our love, even if it has to remain hidden for now."

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