chapter 25: the vows

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As the wedding day drew nearer and the RSVPs remained sparse, Neri couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness and uncertainty gnawing at her heart. Despite the excitement of marrying Red and the joy of envisioning their future together, the absence of confirmed attendees from their family weighed heavily on her mind.

Alone in her thoughts one evening, Neri found herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. She felt a sense of disappointment that more of their family hadn't embraced their love and chosen to celebrate their union. Doubt crept in, whispering questions about their worthiness and whether their love was truly accepted.

She confided in Red, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Neri: "Red, I can't shake this feeling of sadness. It's hard not knowing if anyone else from our family will be there to share in our special day."

Red wrapped his arms around her, his comforting presence a balm to her troubled soul.

Red: "I understand. It's natural to feel this way, but remember, what truly matters is that we have each other. Our love is real, and our commitment to each other is unwavering, regardless of who else is there."

Neri nodded, grateful for his reassurance, yet the ache in her heart lingered.

Neri: "I know, Red, but I can't help feeling a sense of longing for the support of our family. I just wish they could see how much we love each other."

Red sighed, his own heart heavy with empathy for Neri's inner struggles.

Red: "I wish they could see it too. But ultimately, their absence doesn't diminish the strength of our love or the significance of our commitment to each other. Our wedding day will still be a beautiful celebration of our love, shared with those who truly cherish us."

As the days passed and their wedding day approached, Neri found solace in Red's unwavering love and support. Though the absence of their family cast a shadow over their anticipation, she held onto the hope that their love would shine brightly, illuminating their path forward as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives together. And with Red by her side, she knew they could weather any storm, their love standing as a beacon of hope and resilience against the uncertainties that lay ahead.

As the wedding day approached, Neri found herself wrestling with inner struggles. Despite the excitement and anticipation of marrying the love of her life, the absence of confirmations from other family members weighed heavily on her heart. She couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and loneliness, wondering why their love wasn't enough to bridge the divide with their relatives.

In the quiet moments leading up to the ceremony, Neri found solace in Red's comforting embrace. He reassured her of their love and reminded her that their union was about them, not the attendance of others. His unwavering support served as a beacon of strength, grounding her amidst the storm of emotions.

The Wedding...

As they arrived at the church, Neri's heart fluttered with a mix of nerves and anticipation. The church, with its towering spires and stained glass windows, exuded a sense of reverence and solemnity. Inside, the pews were adorned with flowers, their fragrance filling the air with a delicate sweetness.

Neri's eyes welled up with tears as she walked down the aisle, her gaze fixed on Red standing at the altar, his eyes shining with love and devotion. With each step, she felt a surge of emotion, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the moment.

Red, dressed in a tailored suit, stood tall and proud, his heart overflowing with love for the woman approaching him. As Neri reached his side, he took her hand in his, offering a reassuring squeeze that spoke volumes without a single word.

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