chapter 39: visit

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Red's parents visit...

As Red's parents arrived, their enthusiasm was palpable, their faces lit up with smiles as they greeted their son and daughter-in-law.

Red: "Mom, Dad, it's so good to see you!"

Red's parents enveloped him in warm hugs before turning to Neri, their eyes bright with anticipation.

Marichu: "Neri, dear, it's been too long! How are you?"

Neri managed a polite smile, her demeanor polite but reserved as she greeted them.

Neri: "I'm well, thank you."

Agustin: "We've heard so much about your European tour! It sounds like you've been having quite the adventure."

Red beamed with pride as he recounted their travels, but Neri remained quiet.

Despite Red's efforts to engage her in conversation, Neri's responses were polite but distant, her mind seemingly elsewhere.

Marichu: "Neri, is everything alright? You seem a bit... distant."

Neri's expression softened slightly as she met Red's mother's concerned gaze.

Neri: "I'm fine, thank you. Just a bit tired from the journey, I suppose."

Red exchanged a worried glance with his parents, sensing Neri's underlying discomfort.

Red: "Why don't we sit down and catch up? I'll make some coffee."

As they gathered in the living room, Red did his best to keep the conversation flowing, but the atmosphere remained somewhat strained, Neri's quiet demeanor casting a shadow over the visit.

After Red's parents left, Neri retreated to the comfort of their bedroom, her thoughts weighed down by the complexities of family dynamics and unresolved tensions.

Red, sensing her unease, wrapped his arms around her, offering silent support and understanding.

Red: "I know today wasn't easy, but I'm here for you, Neri. Whatever you're feeling, whatever you need, I'm with you every step of the way."

With Red's unwavering love and support by her side, Neri felt a glimmer of hope amid the uncertainty, knowing that together, they could navigate the complexities of family relationships with grace and resilience.

In the weeks that followed, Red made a concerted effort to create opportunities for Neri to feel more comfortable and included in family gatherings. He gently encouraged her to express her feelings and assured her that her emotions were valid and understood.

Red: "Neri, I know it can be tough, but I want you to know that your feelings matter to me. I'm here to support you in any way I can."

Neri appreciated Red's understanding and support, and gradually, she began to open up more about her concerns and reservations regarding family interactions.

Neri: "It's not that I don't want to be a part of your family, Red. It's just that sometimes, it feels overwhelming like I don't belong."

Red listened empathetically, offering words of reassurance and comfort.

Red: "You belong with me, Neri. And wherever I am, that's where you belong too. But I understand that it's not always easy. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

With Red's encouragement, Neri felt empowered to set boundaries and communicate her needs more effectively during family gatherings. She found solace in knowing that Red was by her side, offering unwavering support and understanding.

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